Bio of Ryuji

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Here's the detail about Ryuji...

Koujou Ryuji (character)

Koujou Ryuji (character)

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Alias: Little Magician

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Status: Alive

Relatives: Koujou Asuka (older sister), Koujou Takeru (twin brother)

Occupation: Student, LBX Player & Builder

Affiliation(s): Cyber Lance (temporary test player; formerly), Tiny Orbit

LBX: Various Personal Customized LBXs, Beast Fenrir, Elysion Arch

Achievement: Won five unknown LBX official tournament, The Colloseum Champion, 10th Artemis Champion (with Yua)


Ryuji has short spiky blond hair with brown color at the tip of his hair and blue eyes. His usual attire is white shirt with loose yellow tie, dark blue hoodie with folded sleeves, long black sport pants and black-white sport shoes. He also wear blue white cap backward style and have a headphone hanging at his neck. He has the least resemblance to his siblings.


Ryuji is a calm and collective person, but caring and kind toward others. However, he can be passionate, reckless and hot head especially during LBX battle. Just like his siblings, Ryuji love LBX battle and even learn how to build. He always listen to music to relax or trying to focus on something.

Despite liking of LBX, Ryuji is very picky when it come usage. He won't use just any LBX randomly, unless the circumstance said otherwise. After gain one, he will immediately customize it into the way he wish the LBX to look like and move.

As an LBX player and builder, he respect those who play LBX, expect for those who use LBX for their own gain and not for entertainment.


Ryuji is the younger sister of Asuka and the twin brother of Takeru. Although not much known about them, they can be said come from a wealthy family. Ryuji taken interest into LBX when he first saw it, and when he watch the 2050 Artemis tournament on television. His admiration to Yamano Ban that drive him into LBX.

After seeing Asuka defeat Ban and Hiro in 2051 Artemis, Ryouji complain about she not face them head on. And he even claim that he will defeat Asuka when he is old enough to join the Artemis and gain the qualification to do so. His skills as player and builder grew over time, and even rival Takeru's skill.

Ryuji get an offer to enroll to Kamui Daimon, but he decline the offer. He was called as Little Magician due his skills as both player and builder, and become temporary test player for Cyber Lance before becoming part-time desinger for Tiny Orbit.


Ryuji is a very talented LBX player and builder. He can use LBX that can be said hard to control, like a prototype test which require more technical upgrade. He is skillful enough to win five LBX tournament, including the no-rule underground tournament called the Colloseum. He also can customize LBX the way normal ones cannot move or increase the performance more than expected as long as the resource is enough.

Aside that, Ryuji is a bastketball player and a martial artist in judo. He also an expert gamer. He play guitar in his free time.


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