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In the year of 2057, the new era of LBX has start. And the start first off from an LBX player and builder named Kojou Ryuji along with his friend, Sena Arata. At the same time, a girl named Nishimura Yua lost her LBX to a bully named Genta and now heartbroken by its destruction. However, Ryuji has another plan for it.

(Kojou Resident)

At the living room, it shows his older sister, Kojou Asuka who is now more fenimine appearance from before.

Asuka: Gaaahhh! Man, I'm so tired! Working at Cyber Lance while still studying is really hard!

She look at the dining table and it shows some covered meal for her along with a note.

Asuka: Hm. How thoughtful he is.

She went to take a shower first. After done with shower, Asuka wear a new set of cloth. Before she eat her dinner, she went to Ryuji's room to check him out.

(Ryuji Room)

When she open the door, it reveals Ryuji is sleeping at the desk again, with several tomato juice cans on the table and the floor. Asuka smile wryly at her brother.

Asuka: This boy really...

She shake Ryuji a bit before shaking more but still not waking up. Asuka sigh before she drag Ryuji from the desk and put him on his bed.

Asuka: Having a heavy sleeper brother is really troublesome, too, huh?

Ryuji snooring lightly while sleeping. Asuka turn to the desk and saw a familiar white LBX.

Asuka: That's...

(Next Day)

Ryuji walk into the school ground while looking at the calendar in his CCM. Arata just came by and walk beside him.

Arata: Good morning, Ryuji!

Ryuji: Oh, good morning.

Arata: What you're checking?

Ryuji: Just the calendar. The holiday is coming soon, and the Artemis also closing in.

Arata: Yeah!

Ryuji: Just make sure you don't lose in the prelim this time. You're lucky that participant of previous Artemis still can join the tournament.

Arata: Hey!

(Class 1-2)

When they reach the class, Ryuji saw Yua just talking with her friends with normal expression. He know that Yua force herself not to feel sad while they at school. Ryuji and Arata went to their desk.

Arata: Hey, Ryuji.

Ryuji: What?

Arata: Mind let me see your homework?

Ryuji: Don't tell me that you didn't do your homework, again?

Arata: I kinda fall asleep when I was about to do it. Please, let me see yours!

Ryuji: No.

Arata: Aww, c'mon! We're friends, right?

Ryuji: Is this how you are when you're at Kamui Daimon?

Arata: Ahh! Don't ask that! Just let me see your homework!

Ryuji: No.

Arata continue to beg at Ryuji while still being ignored. And afterward, during the class, Arata was scolded because he barely able to finish his homework. All thanks to Ryuji who gave up and lend Arata his work. As the class continues, Arata didn't pay much attention as he have one book up which cover his other book when he drawing Achilles Deed and other weapon for it. Ryuji sigh as he continue to the lecture.

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