The Colloseum

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The new girl in school, Kaidou Miku, has yet truely make herself comfortable at the school. After knowing about Ryuji, she find him at the Kitajima Model Shop and have an LBX battle with him, but she unexpected that she would lose to him. Miku also know about Arata and Yua, and after leaving, she acknowledge as her rival. Another week has passed as things going just smooth.

Somewhere in underground building...

At the underground facility, it reveal a large open area with many floors. At the bottom middle, it reveal six battle box with large one at the middle of the room. And currently, an LBX battle are occuring throughout the place.

"Go, Salamander!"

"Destroy them!"

"Crush that buy!"


"Hissatsu Function!"

"This is your end!"

This place is called the Colloseum, among the largest LBX battle arena. This place also known to held a no-rule tournament once every year and it has become famous among LBX players throughout Japan, but most of them are among the brutest and destruction desire ones.

"Crush them!"

"Show them who's the boss!"

At the large battle box in the center, it shows a battle is occuring. Two familiar men are fighting against each other. Two familiar LBX are clashing their weapons together and both of them show no sign of giving up.

???: What's wrong? Is that all you got?

???: Hmph. Big talk from someone who lose his title to a high school kid.

???: That just a lucky win. He take me by suprise.

???: No, he observe and predict your tactics. Though we fought few times, and yet the victor never decided. But I am excited to fight him again!

Both of them continue their battle and let out a battle cry, and their LBX continue to clash even harder than before.

(Next Day)
(Nishimura Apartment)

This apartment is where Yua, and her mother, Nishimura Haru, lives. After the passing of her father, Kota, Yua has been taking part-time jobs in order to help her mother to gain money for their daily life. Despite that, Haru told her daughter that she should at least have some fun, which Yua decline so she can descrease her mother's burden. This makes Haru worries, but when she know that Yua got a new LBX and start spending sometime with her friends, it makes her happy. Haru work as a nurse, she went to work early and always come home late. After eating breakfast and wash the dish, Yua went to her father's small shrine and put her hands together. Her Kunoichi also placed next to the shrine.

Yua: Dad, I have been working really hard to help Mom lessen her burden. I know you told me to have fun, but I think it is better this way. But after playing LBX with my friends, I think I am having more than enough fun. Wish me and Mom luck everyday.

She grab her bag, put on her shoes, lock the door and head out to school. On the way, she meet with her friends.


The black limo just arrives and the driver open the door. Yua blink twice while watching it in awe despite saw it multiple times before shake her head. Miku comes out and grab her bag before walk into the school ground where she meet with Yua.

Yua: Good morning, Miku!

Miku: Good morning, Yua-san.

Yua: How are you today?

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