Rise of Chronos

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The LBX world tournament that determine the world best LBX player, Artemis, is over. And for the first time in the tournament, there's two winners: Ryuji and Yua. Both of them have give all their might in order to win the match and get the attention of many LBX players around the world. And now, they all back to their normal lives.

(Secret Base)

At the control room, it shows several agents and the organization leader looking at the screen. The screen shows the list of the year's Artemis finalist.

???: Sena Arata. Gouda Hanzou. Mike Maxwell. Nishimura Yua. Kojou Ryuji. These are the players that we needed to continue our operations. *turn to the agents* Go and meet them. And try to give them offer to join us.

"Yes, sir."

The agents left the room as the leader look back at the screen and smirk.

《2nd Opening - Fiesta》

(Time Skip)
(Tokio City)

It's been a week since the Artemis is over. And the streets of Tokio City are full with LBX players like usual. Everyone are having their own life style. But not so much for the winners. Some girls ended up fangirling Ryuji as he have to give them autographes and taking pictures together which make him uneasy. Every time Yua at her part time jobs, some people especially guys wish to be with her.

(Kitajima Model Shop)

Yua wiping the window at the shop before she sigh. Miku and Arata are battling again. Ryuji are maintenancing Beast Fenrir and take a look at Pandora.

Kojirou: What's wrong, Yua?

Saki: You're an Artemis champion. So cheer up, show the you from the tourmanent.

Yua: Easy for you to say. I have trouble with some guys that even fanboying at me, even asked me out.

Saki: So you rejected them?

Yua: Of course. They're not my type.

Ryuji: I also have the same problem. Some girl fangirling me.

Yua: *flinch* ...

Arata: Same for me! There's some girls even asked me some autographs, and then they seem felt down with it. What's wrong with my sign?

Miku: Arata-kun, your sign is sucks.

Arata: Hey!

Miku: But I do have similar trouble too. Those guys are annoying.

Ryuji: All of us are.

Yua: Hey, Ryuji.

Ryuji: *turn aside* What? Woah!

It shows Yua look at him with direct glare which cover some of her face with shadow.

Ryuji: *sweatdrop* Wh-What?

Yua: Those girls... Did they ask something else than autographs?

Ryuji: Th-They asked me if I want to go out with them. And I said no.

Yua: Really? You really don't?

Ryuji: Of course I won't. Hey, why are you so glaring at me all the sudden?

Yua: Nothing particularly.

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