The Destroyer & Illusionist

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Ryuji wish to expend the ability of Arata and Yua in LBX battle more if they wish to become even better than their current level. Miku also tag along with Ryuji wish to bring her along. And after reaching a certain destination, they arrive at the place where most hardcore LBX players in the local area spent their time.


Ryuji: This is Japan's most famous official underground LBX battle zone... The Colloseum.

Arata and Yua are still watching the whole area in awe because this place not just huge, but it also full with LBX players in town. And the champions of Artemis, Gouda and Sendou, are also in this place.

Miku: The Colloseum... From what Nii-sama told me, this place is even more harder than Angra Visdas because crawling with more better LBX players.

Ryuji: Well, he's not wrong about that.

"Hey, kids!"

They turn around and saw at a big muscular man.

"These aren't the place for you brats. Go away because this is the place for LBX players only! Skill ones!"

Miku remain stoic, Arata is annoyed, Ryuji remain calm with Yua feeling nervous and hide behind him.

Arata: What was that?! If you want an LBX battle, then you're on!

"Hah! As if you can beat me!"

Ryuji: *step forward* Hey, can you at least be polite a bit? That's not how you speak to the leader of this place.

"Huh? What did you--?! Wait a minute..."

The man look closely at Ryuji before he step back in suprised.


Arata/Yua: "Boss"?

Hearing the man, most of the people there turn to the group. The man immediately bow to Ryuji.

"P-Please forgive my insolence! I do not know it is you!"

Ryuji: Well, I guess I let that slide. Also, at least be nice when you greet someone. Not trying to scare or trample them.

"Y-Yes, sir!"

"Hey, look, it's the Boss!"

"Yeah, it is!"

"He came back!"

"Boss! Boss! Boss! Boss!"

They all start cheering for Ryuji all the sudden, making Arata and Yua suprise that all the people there called Ryuji as "boss."

Arata: Wh-What is happening?!

Yua: Why are they calling Ryuji as "boss"?!

Miku: It make sense to me now.

???: Hey, hey, you all. You're freaking out his friends.

From the crowd, it reveal Gouda and Sendou as they walk to Ryuji and his friends.

Gouda: Nice to see you here, again, boss!

Ryuji: Stop that, Gouda. Hearing that from you sounds weird all the time.

Sendou: Hear that, Gouda? That annoys him all the time.

Gouda: Shut up, Sendou! I don't want to hear anything from you! And remember, that you're my right-hand-man!

Ryuji: *sigh* You two never change...

(Waiting Area)

After that, they went to the waiting area. It is almost like café or bar zone but bigger to contain many people. This place is used by those who just intend to watch the battle, relax, doing maintenance of their LBX or waiting for their turn to battle. Gouda and Sendou sit at the opposite side, while Ryuji and his friends at the other side. They put their LBXs on the table, and look impressed with each others' LBXs.

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