Kamui Daimon School Festival

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Few weeks has passed and the holiday has started for the school kids, from elementary to high school. They now have more time to spend with their friends and family. And on the next day the holiday started, Kamui Daimon started their annual school festival.

(Kojou Resident)
(Living Room)

Ryuji: Really?

He get a call from Takeru.

Takeru(Phone): Yes, after the school festival, Kamui Daimon also in holiday session. And three of us can back together again!

Ryuji: Yeah. It's been a long time since we last talk since you're at the dorm.

Takeru(Phone): You should come to the school festival at our school. My class make LBX custome café! Oh, sorry, I gotta go. Tell Nee-san that I would be home after the festival is over.

Ryuji: Okay.

He hang up. At the same time, Asuka came to the living room.

Asuka: Who's that?

Ryuji: Takeru. He said that he'll be back after the school festival. Wanna come and see the place?

Asuka: No can do. Busy with work. And preparation for the image girl contest.

Ryuji: Well, good luck with that.

Asuka: *sweatdrop* You seriously need to be improve the way of trying to bring positive thinking...

Ryuji: Yeah, that's right.

Asuka: And you still remain the same...

Ryuji: I'll improve it next time.

Asuka sigh before she walks away.

(Next Day)

At the port, Ryuji and his friends arrives at the port. Though Ryuji only want to see Takeru, Arata insist that Yua and Miku also come along. Miku just feel fine, but Yua felt really weird when she saw the ferry.

Arata: All right! We're going back to Kamui Island!!

Ryuji: You're too excited, Arata.

Arata: Of course I am! After leaving the island, I really felt on wanting to go back after for so long!

Ryuji: You just left for like about a year ago...

Arata: But I'm still exciting!

Miku: If this trip worth it, I'll be fine. *drink apple juice* And I'm going because Nii-sama might be there. Wonder how Kamui Daimon do school festival.

Yua: Ughh...

When she look at the ferry, she already feel sick. Miku turn to Yua with concern expression.

Miku: Yua-san, are you okay?

Yua: Y-Yes! *smile wryly* I'm perfecty fine!

Miku: Huh?

Arata: Okay, let's get on board!

The group boarded the ferry before it start moving and head to Kamui Island. They remain outside because the island isn't really quite far from the main land. Arata look excitedly from the rail.

Arata: Awww man! I can barely hold my excitement! *turn to his friends* I can't wait to introduce you guys to Hikaru, Muraku and the others! Surely those who left also be there! I'm sure that they make one good event!

Ryuji: You just too excited... And I do wonder how your friends react to see you back on the island only for the school festival.

Arata: Hey!

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