The Empress

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A week after the battle, Yua become famous throughout the school. She known as Dream Girl even more because of her skill as an LBX player and with current LBX, Pandora. Many students, especially the boys battled with her but they ended up losing. But Yua mostly able to avoid battling when she have to work during her part-time jobs.

(Class 1-2)

The students are talking to each other like usual. At the back, Ryuji is tuning up Arata's Achilles Deed because he asked for it. And in order to match up with Arata's current skill, Ryuji make sure that Achilles Deed can handle the strain of the upgrade the new weapon.

Ryuji: Okay, it's done.

There's some minor upgrade added to Achilles Deed. The joints are improved, a one-handed silver long sword and a shield.

Arata: Whoa, cool! You really upgrade it!

Ryuji: Because we're at school, parts and tools not enough, that's all I can do for now.

Arata: No, this is better! This is all I need for now! Thanks, you're a big help!

Ryuji: Another thing to keep you from trying to talk to me about LBX. You both good with duel wielding and one weapon one shield type.

Arata: Since I'm looking for a new style for now, this is okay.

Ryuji gave Arata a spare one hand long sword in case if the other is broken or if Arata wish Achilles Deed to use duel wielding again. At the same time, Yua went to them.

Arata: Oh, class rep!

Yua: Hello, Arata, Ryuji.

Ryuji: Yo.

Yua: What are you two doing?

Ryuji: Nothing particular. Arata asked me to tune up his Achilles Deed and already did. Because not much I can do here, I just upgrade the joints and put a sword and a shield for it.

Yua: That's cool.

Arata: Right? Look, look! My Achilles Deed!

Yua: Yes, it is cool.

Ryuji: So, how's your Pandora?

Yua: It is fine.

Ryuji: If you want me to like upgrade or fix if there's any damage to it, I can do that.

Yua: Don't worry, I can ask Kojirou-san for that. I work part-time at the model shop after all.

When they hear the teacher came, the students went to their seat as the teacher went to the table.

"Good morning, class."

"Good morning!"

"Before we start the lesson today, I have a news. We're going to have a transfer student who will attending our class today."

Then the whole class is in an uproar.

"All right! A new classmate!"

"Really, Sensei?!"

"Who is it?!"

"A boy?!"

"A girl?!"

"Okay, okay, everyone please calm down. We don't want to make the new student nervous with us. *turn to the door* Please come in."

When the class door opened, the new transfer student is a teenage girl with long blue hair and blue eyes who is drinking a box of apple juice. When she reach next to the teacher, she face the class.

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