LBX Image Girl Contest

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Few days later, the students of Kamui Daimon are allowed to go home and spent the long holiday with their family and friends. Takeru also come home and meet with Ryuji who already wait for him at the port. And now, the three siblings are reunited. But there's one more thing that their older sister need to do.

(Kojou Resident)
(Living Room)

The twins are doing maintenance and look into their LBX. Takeru take a look at his Vampire Cat Militas that has yet to be use for Second World purpose, while Ryuji look at his Beast Fenrir to keep it in the top notch to make sure it is prepared for the Artemis that is coming.

Ryuji: Again with the Vampire Cat variant?

Takeru: Well, it has been a habit. Plus it is based on Nee-san's original Vampire Cat.

Ryuji: You're the one who make it. Along with my adjustment for the system.

Takeru: But I can't make it better without your help.

Ryuji: Stop joking. I only tune it up a bit, but the one that complete the Vampire Cat was you.

Takeru: Not a joke at all. By the way, what you think of the LBX Image Girl Contest?

Ryuji: Not much. The only thing I need to know that we need to go to that contest. To watch Nee-san during her contest.

Takeru: And do you know where it will be held?

Ryuji: Beach. Why?

Takeru: *sweatdrop* You do have no sense at all about girls...

Ryuji: And do you know about girls?

Takeru: No. Just you being dense.

Ryuji: Huh?

Takeru: I don't want to say more.

As they continue to look into their LBXs, they heard a loud bump at the stairs. The twins look at each other before they stand up and go to the stairs, only to see Asuka lying on the floor.

Ryuji/Takeru: Nee-san!

Asuka: Ughh...

Takeru: A-Are you okay?

Ryuji: Are you hurt?

Asuka: I... I... I'm not okay!

She hold her head and rolling on the floor, and throwing tantrums.

Asuka: Why do they have to tell to go to the contest?! I don't want to wear something revealing! I'm okay with being an image girl, but what so important about this contest?! Am I not girly enough?!

Ryuji and Takeru gave Asuka a deadpan expression before they sigh and walk away.

Takeru: You're a girl, Nee-san.

Ryuji: Think of that yourself.

Asuka: *shocked* What?! Even the beloved younger brothers didn't even care about their own older sister who has been taking care of them?!

Ryuji/Takeru: Don't make stupid excuse all the sudden to make us turn our attention to you!

Asuka: Muuu... You two are so strict...

Ryuji: We had to.

Takeru: So we can deal with your straightforwardness at some point.

(Time Skip)
(Kitajima Model Shop)

Arata: Eh? Trouble with your sister?

The group meet up at the model shop like usual. Yua is cleaning the LBXs that are being display at the shelf near the glass window. Miku drinking apple juice like always. After a few minutes, Ryuji arrives and talk to them.

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