An Old Comrade Return

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The assault by Chronos's LBX army cause a lot of destruction. They even launch a direct attack on Tiny Orbit. The Large Droid, Wyvern, was sent there and destroyed most of security LBX were destroyed. Ryuji, Yua and Arata head there and battle against it with their LBX. But Wyvern easily overwhelm them, and Beast Fenrir was destroyed when it protect Pandora from the blast. Before Wyvern can continue its assault, it was called back as the rest of LBX army also got called back.

(Tiny Orbit)
(Main Lobby)

The group look at the screen as the masked man speaks.

???: "We are Chronos. As you see, we have demonstrate our power and what we capable of. With our LBX, we will overwhelm the current government. Surrender to us, and you shall be spared. If you try to defy us, there will be no mercy."

The transmission end as the screen all over the place including the whole city return to normal.

Arata: What a terrible person!

Yua: Using LBX for an invasion...

Ryuji: ...

He look in his palms and look at the destroyed Beast Fenrir.

Ryuji: My Beast Fenrir...

Arata and Yua turn to Ryuji with worried expression before they look at the broken Beast Fenrir.

Ryuji: The LBX that I put a lot of effort to... Those guys will pay for this...!

At the same time, Kirino get to them as the trio turn to her.

Ryuji: Sae-san...

Kirino: Thank goodness that you three are safe.

Ryuji: I'm sorry, we couldn't defeat that Large Droid... My Beast Fenrir was destroyed, and that Large Droid escaped...

Kirino: It has been a hard time for everyone. The whole city is in chaos after the sudden attack. But we don't have time to feeling down now. Ryuji-kun, Sena Arata-kun, Nishimura Yua-san, I need you three to come with me.

She start walking away. The trio look at each other before they follow Kirino. She take them to her car and drive them to another place.

(Tokio SiA Mall)

They reach the parking area and stopped at a certain car park. The floor lowered down like a platform and bring them to an underground floor.

At the Seeker Main HQ...

After they get out, they walk through the hallway until they reach a door and it opened, revealing the Seeker control room as the trio look with awe. In the room, there's many people wearing blue and black hat and uniform that working at each station. And Takuya is there before he turn to Kirino and the teenagers.

Takuya: You've brought here. Thank you, Kirino.

Kirino: Of course, President.

Ryuji: Takuya-san, what is this place? *look around* I never knew that there's such place like this in Tiny Orbit...

Takuya: I'm sorry for not telling you about this. And to answer that question, this place is where Seeker operate.

Ryuji: Seeker? Wait, I kinda remember that my sister mention that name before...

Takuya: Well, she isn't wrong. Asuka was part of Seeker before.

Ryuji: What?

Takuya: Indeed. Not just Asuka, but there's others too. Even Ban and Hiro.

Ryuji: Ban-san and Hiro-san, too...?

Arata: Uhh... May I ask something? Why are we even here?

Yua: I want to know, too.

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