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With the LBX image girl contest is over, Asuka is back with her usual work with Cyber Lance. The whole company congratulate her for winning the contest. But now, an even bigger event is getting closer, and it is the LBX world tournament, the Artemis.

(Nishimura Apartment)

At the kitchen, Yua is washing the dishes after finish her dinner. She put the plates, bowls and chopsticks away before wipe her hands. After that, she walk to the living room and take a sit at near the table before turn on the television. She watch the news as it speak about the upcoming Artemis tournament.

Yua: The Artemis, huh? So this year's will be held in Japan at the Odaiba Stadium... It's going to be a busy day for LBX players. *turn to Pandora* But not for us. We have a lot of other things to do than entering it, right, Pandora?

The door opened and Haru comes in before she close back the door. She take off her shoes and walk into the living room as Yua turn to her.

Yua: Mom, welcome home!

Haru: I'm home. There's less patients to look after for now, so I able to come home early.

Yua: That's good to hear.

Haru went to take a shower, change her clothes, eat the dinner that Yua made for her, and then join Yua at the table in the living room while drinking a cup of tea.

Haru: That LBX tournament is getting closer. *turn to Yua* Are you sure you don't want to participate?

Yua: *shake her head* No. If I did, then I need to skip some work afterward. I need to help out to make sure you won't burden yourself too much, Mom.

Haru: *worry expression* Yua, you know that you are free to do so. I am fine. You just need to have fun when you still can.

Yua: Don't worry, Mom. I'm going to be fine. I'm not into LBX much and I have to work to get more money for living.

Haru: *sigh* Even after you said that entering Artemis was one of your dreams?

Yua: Urk!

Haru: Yua, you don't have to worry about anything for now. I've seen how you like LBX so much. Even when you still a child, you always wanted to participate in that tournament.

Yua: That was... *look down* when Dad is still around...

Haru: He always be with us. *put her hand at her heart* He always be in here, and watch both of us all the time.

Yua: But...

Haru: Yua, if you don't have at least one time of having fun, I will ban you from working part-time jobs forever.

Yua: Wait, what?! You can't be serious!

Haru: I am very serious.

Yua: Awww... come on!

She slump down on the table as Haru giggle at her daughter's attitude. She turn to Pandora that on the table as well.

Haru: Your friend the one who gave this to you, right? Then make sure it put in a good use or it might just rust away.

Yua: Yes, ma'am...

(Next Day)
(Kitajima Model Shop)

After the talk with her mother, Yua think about it and she even call Ryuji to come to the model shop to talk with him.

Ryuji: Huh? You want to enter Artemis?

Yua: Well, my Mom said that I should have fun... Plus I do remember I dreamed of entering Artemis long ago before my Dad... you know...

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