Off to A Nation

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The attack of Chronos on Tokio City was great and cause a lot damage. Chronos even declare war on the world and will use any nessessary attempt to achieve their goal. With the help of Seeker, there will be a way to counter them. While Ryuji is still building his new LBX, Arata, Yua and Miku head out to the Colloseum to find the control computer but they found a bait instead and engage combat with the enemy LBX. And while battling, a General shows up to back them up and Gendou appear before them.


Arata: Gendou!

Gendou: It's been a while, Arata.

Arata: Not really a while, but two years! Where were you during the Kamui Daimon school festival?

Gendou: We don't have time to speak now. After all...

General come out from the hidden area and land on the floor. Gendou turn around and it shows some enemy LBX.

Gendou: The battle isn't over yet.

Arata: There's more of them?!

Dot Blastrizer, Valkyrie and Empress jump out and stand along side General.

Gendou: Go, I'll give support!

Arata: Okay, thanks, Gendou! Let's go, Yua, Miku!

General aim the sniper rifle at the enemy LBX and shot down two are once, destroying them. Valkryie rush in high speed and slash the enemy LBX, destroying them. Empress aim the hammer and shoot several missiles while Dot Blastrizer shoot with the dual laser gun. As they keep this up, they destroy many of the enemy LBX before Dot Blastrizer dash forward and shoot the last Assassin in the head, destroying it.

Arata: *relief sigh* That's all of them...

Yua: Even though this isn't the control computer, they really put a lot of guard LBX.

Miku: It seems that don't want us to find it.

They tap into their LBX and each machine return to their user. Arata turn to Gendou while smiling.

Arata: Gendou, thanks for the help! But how do you know about this place? And what are you doing here?

Gendou: Find the Colloseum isn't hard if you're an LBX player. And I was called to assist you.

Arata: Assist us? By whom?

Gendou: You'll find out soon.

As soon as they get out from the Colloseum, they greet by Cobra.

Cobra: Yo, kids. And who's with you?

???: I the one who bring him here.

They turn to the side and saw a familiar short and cubby man with glassess.

Cobra: Mongoose? You're here? Wait, if you're here, why didn't you call?!

Mongoose: I don't have time to call you. And I'm a busyman, after all.

Arata: Uhh... Cobra, who's that guy?

Cobra: Ah, I forget about that.

He walk next to Mongoose.

Cobra: This is Mongoose. Just like me, he work for Professer Yamano.

Mongoose: *turn around* So I'll be leaving now.

Cobra: Hey, where are you going?

Mongoose: Like I said, I'm a busyman.

He just walk away.

Cobra: Geez... This is why I never want to partner up with that guy.

(Time Skip)
(Seeker Base)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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