Clash of Knight & Rangers

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Double Update!

The LBX world tournament, Artemis, has finally begun. All pro LBX players around the world has come in order to fight in the tournament and become the best LBX player of the year. For A Block, Arata will be the one who fight first.

(Odaiba Big Stadium)

The spectators are cheering loudly as the A Block is about to start. The first half of the team come to the stage and went to the diorama.

DJ: Now, let's start the tournament with the battle in A Block!

(Spectator Zone)

The students from Jenock of Kamui Daimon are watching the battle that will soon start.

Yuno: So Arata is in A Block, huh?

Sakuya: Is he going to be okay?

Haruki: Well, this is Arata we talking ahout. He'll be fine.

Muraku: But it won't be easy. Look at the brackets.

Catherine: Look at which name?

Muraku: That.

They look at the certain name at the other side of the bracket. And they look at the "Otaranger Team."

Vanessa: Ota... rangers?

Kageto: Muraku, are you joking?

Akane: There's no way they can be a threat.

Hikaru: No, Muraku's right. Otarangers aren't a team that you should be underestimated. Especially their leader, Yujin, mostly known as OtaRed.

Kiyoka: I hate to admit it, but that Yujin did beat my brother back during the 3rd Artemis championship.

Hikaru: All Otarangers team that enter Artemis would always reach the final stage.

Catherine: You're kidding!

Yuno: But I have faith on Arata. I'm sure he will win!

(Battle Zone)

DJ: Now then, the battle of A Block will begin!

The stages with diorama and players raised into the air.

DJ: All eyes of the spectators is at the north stage! Firstly, is the returning Artemis participant, Sena Arata! In the 7th Artemis, he lost in the prelims! Will he able to prevail in this year?! He'll be facing the favorite to win, the hardy duo, Michelle Olva and Harold Johnson!

Harold: Heh. You lose in the prelims last time, what's the chance you can win in this time?

Arata: That was last time! This time I am all prepared!

Michelle: Big talks from you. How about we end your time here quickly?

They take out their LBX and CCM.

DJ: The first round is two-on-two match! Players, take out your LBX! Ready...!

Harold: Warrior!

Michelle: Ortega!

Arata: Achilles Deed!

Their LBX land in the canyon diorama. Warrior equip a launcher and Ortega equip a large hammer. Achilles Deed equip with two long sword. The other LBX players also ready to battle.

"Battle Start!"

Harold: Eat this!

Warrior shoot multiple rockets at the same time. Achilles Deed jump back and run across the canyon before jumping up.

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