C28: New Issues

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Last night with Isabelle was probably in the top of most difficult things I've had to sit through. It's hard because I'm used to her smart ass remarks and her facial expressions. To see her just lay in silence was just fucked up to me.

I decided to push back the release date for X since people think I've hit on another female, but also because I want Isabelle to be apart of it and I know she's been waiting for this too. I hate to have to leave her, but I start this takeover for Yamato regardless of this situation. He called and I explained what has been going on.

I tighten up my tie, and sit next to Isabelle who's sitting in a chair staring out the window. I kiss the top of her head.

"I gotta go for now. But I'll be back Isabelle. Mom will be here to look after you." I say

She continues looking forward. I kiss her one more time and walk downstairs.

"How's she doing?" Momma asks

"The same. Make sure she eats please. I don't want her getting sick." I say as I lace my shoes. I look up and Ma's smiling down at me. I stand up and look at her.

"Why're you smiling?" I ask

"I love watching you care about someone that's not your family. Someone that you chose to bring into your life. I'm proud of you." She tells me

I hug her and sigh. She's the only one to make me feel like everything I do is worth it. Even though at times it gets difficult.

I say goodbye to her and drive to the hotel. Rayne and her Father's assistant is supposed to be meeting me there to talk business. Hopefully Trey is already there so I don't have to be alone with them.

I walk into the hotel and everyone stares at me. Especially my employees. I guess Will got to running his mouth again. It's alright though, because today's his last day anyways. I walk to the meeting room and only Trey is there. That means we're going to have time to talk which is what I wanted to do anyways.

"Wassup man," Trey says "How's Isabelle doin?" He asks

"She's the same. It's hard to be around her, because ion like seeing her that way, but I know she needs me around. Even if she ain't aware of it." I answer

"I bet. I just want to find out who do that to her. Because that shit ruined you for that time period, and now she's unresponsive." He says

"Man, it's like a part of me wants to let her go...because I want her to not be hurt anymore. She's been hurt ever since she's been involved with me, but at the same time I don't want to. Cause I love her." I tell him

"You can't blame yourse-"

I cut him off.

"I do, man. I really do. I forced her to get into this situation for me to pay back what she owed and look now. I'm a fucked up person when it comes down to it." I tell him

"You really can't beat yourself up though man, she wouldn't want you watching after her 24/7 either. She's been independent for a while now. You don't even know if this had anything to do with you." He says

"Well I need to find out soon. My conscious ain't gon be free from guilt until then."

I take a seat and that's when Rayne and Yamatos assistant walks in.

"Chris!" She says as she runs over and hugs me "I can't believe all those mean things they're saying about you on tv still. Even though it was said that you didn't even do it."

"Yeah let's not talk about that. Let's talk business."

"Okay well this is Daddy's assistant Sam. She has everything you need to know about Daddy's company and everything upcoming he has on this," she grabs the laptop case and hands it to me. "And now its yours, temporarily that is. You can either keep Sam as your assistant, or handle everything on your own. It's up to you."

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