C5- New Life

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I closed my eyes and began trying to steady my breathing before I had a heart attack. Did he really just bid 20 million dollars for me? The cover was thrown back on me and I could feel the sound of the wheels against the wooden floor. The box came to a stop and a heard a door open.

 “Alright come on out woman.” A loud voice said

 I got up from the chair and stepped out the box. My conscious was screaming at me to run away. But my body was so shocked that I couldn’t even move.

 “Well, you now belong to Mr. Christopher Brown. This is the first time a person has been put up for auction so everything you’re going to need to know is gonna come from him. One of my guys will lead you to his suite.” The auctioneer tells me

 “I’m not going anywhere, this is some kind of joke. That man hates me, there’s no way he’d spend that much money on me.” I tell him

 “Sorry Miss, but I just follow orders like everyone else, and I suggest you do to if you want to live.”

 I step away from him.

 “Are you tryna say I’ll be killed if I don’t go!” I yell

 “Sad truth.” He coolly replies

 A guy grabs my arm and looks at me.

 “Let’s just make this easy aight.” He says

 “I need to talk to Tremaine.” I say

 “Who? You can’t talk to nobody till you’re in the custody of the boss.” He tells me

 “Tremaine- Trey. Songz.” I plead with him

 “He’ll be with the boss.” He answers

 “Fine, and let go of me I’ll follow you damn.” I respond

 He lets go of my arm, not before he gives me an “I’m not playing around look” and I start to walk behind him to the main suite.

 “Why can’t we take a fucking elevator?” I ask

 “Nobody can see you.” He answers instantly

 I start losing my breath half the way, I mean, we were in the basement.

 “Come on,” he says “I’ll just carry you.”

 Before I get a chance to respond he picks me up and walks faster than I was to Chris’ suite. In front of the door he puts me down, and knocks 3 times.

 “I’m out of here.” He says and heads back down the stairs.

 What the hell, why did he just leave me like that?

 The door opens, and I’m face to face with Chris.


 “What no smart ass thing to say? Get in here.” He says coldly and I walk in.

 “Dev.” I hear, I look to my left and run to hug Trey

 “I’m so so sorry. I swear I didn’t mean to do it.” I cry

 “Hey. Hey.” He says rubbing my back

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