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You know, last night going over to see Isabelle and Chris being there really got me thinking... I know it's gonna be hard for her to move on from him I get it. Big impact, crazy love, it's understandable.

But what I really don't get is why she's doing the opposite of what she says. She tells us to keep him away from her, and then she lets him in her house...not only that but let's the dude stay.

I'm not gonna be the one to cause a scene, but I am going to make sure that it don't happen again. If I gotta change them locks myself, I sure will. I don't want her being affected by him, especially being pregnant. She should know that herself.

There's a knock at my door, and I'm hoping it's her cause I did want to talk to her last night. I opened the door, and it's her Dad.

"Mr. Sanders, I wasn't expecting you."

"Sorry, for popping up like this but I was hoping Isabelle was here." He says

"No, she's not actually. But could I talk to you for a moment? You can come in." I say moving aside

He nods, and comes in taking a seat on the recliner.

"What do you need to talk about?" He asks

"Isabelle. Well Isabelle and I. I know this is way early, but I want you to know my intention."

"And that is?"

"I plan on asking her to marry me. Not anytime soon. But you know, once she's adjusted. I'd just like your blessing since you're her father."

"You got it. As long as it's not Chris, I don't really have a problem with you. As long as you take care of her and my grandchild."

"Thank you. But I don't know it's gonna be difficult, cause I saw her last night and Chris was at her place. I don't want to upset her, but I just don't think they should have any ties. Especially now." I tell him

"I don't know why she still loves him. I'll talk to her. Get her to re-"

"No, you don't gotta do that. She's gotta figure it out on her own that it's not gonna work. I mean everyone else knows. She's just got to see for herself. I'm just gonna hold back, and keep going on like we are now."

"So, you guys aren't together then?" He asks

I may have said that we were. But I had to cause Chris was there.

"No, I said it because I didn't want Chris thinking he had some authority."

"Alright. If you need anything from me let me know, I'll do my best to help you out." He stands and shakes my hand before leaving.

I check my phone and see that Isabelle's read my text but hasn't replied. I don't think what I said should offend her. It's just the truth.

I call her, and the phone rings forever till there's an answer.

"Yo." Chris says

He's still there? When the hell he gonna leave?

"Can I speak to Isabelle."

"She's kind of busy right now..."

"Busy doing what?!" I ask

"Uh...mmmm..." Is all hear before the phone beeps

I'm about two seconds from going over there and wildin out, but I grab my gym bag and head on out to work out some stress.

Cause I will not go over there and see my girl on her knees for that nigga. Got me fucked up.

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