C3- The Reveal

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*Next Day*


I woke up the next day to my phone ringing off the hook.

"Damn." I say rolling over and grab the phone "This Chris." I answer

"What in the world!"

"Who this?" I ask

"Who this? This your Momma boy, don't who this me. What's going on with you? What happened last night?" She asks frantically

What happened last night? I get up and rub my eyes to look out the window and wake up but I see cameras and paparazzi all in front of the hotel.

"Uh Ma, can you tell me what happened last night?" I say

"You was that drunk you don't even remember, turn on the news boy." She tells me

I grab the remote, and turn on the news to see my face with headlines


"Shit" I say shaking my head

"They were playing a video and everything, you and Trey. What are you gonna do now?" She asks

"Iono yet Ma. I'll figure it out and let you know later okay? Bye" I say and hang up

I get dressed real fast, and head to Trey's room and bang on the door. He answers and talks immediately.

"It's not that bad bro, you got a lot of people coming into the hotel now." He says

"That's what the fuck I didn't want happening! I made a choice to be hidden and you let me get that drunk that know the whole world knows!" I yell

"I ain't your Moms nigga, this is what I do every year, your ass the one that wanted to come out this year and you came out all the way. You better address the public it's wild out there!" He yells back

"SHIT!" I say flipping a table over and leaving back to my room.

I sit at my desk, and look at the craziness happening in my lobby. I need to fix this before they tear up my damn hotel. I make a call and set up an open interview for the public and to make my statement of me being the owner and why I wanted it kept a secret. They'll understand."

I throw on something casual, and head down to the meeting room where everyone should be arriving in 10 minutes. I stand and look at the empty room before me and start putting together what I'm going to say. I didn't really want to have to do this, but I can't hold back now.

"Coffee?" I hear a female voice say and look next to me

"What?" I ask

"Do you want some coffee?" She repeats again holding out a hot cup. I look at the cup then to her and recognize the face.

"You're the klutz that slammed into me yesterday." I say

"Actually, you ran into me and I apologized." She spat and left the cup on table. "I didn't poison it, you'd better drink it, seems like you're gonna be having a long day." She said and walked out the room

"Aye you apologize to my friend?" Trey asked waltzing in like an idiot

"That's your friend?" I ask

"Not really, but she's a nice girl. She brought you coffee?" He says looking down at the cup still untouched on the table

"Yea she did." I answer

"See, she likes her job. That's probably why she ain't cuss your ass out." He tells me

"I got bigger problems then to worry about than apologizing to someone that works for me."

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