C21: All or Nothing

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I woke up to my phone buzzing but I didn't even answer it when I saw Isabelle holding on to me. It's weird because she was just like this in my dream, except in my dream she said that she loved me.

I have a real big decision to make when we get back to LA. She wants me to either treat her like someone that's important in my life, or treat her like an employee. But there's a damn problem already cause she is important to me. But like I said before, I don't want her falling for me. I can't be that guy for her. But at the same time I don't think it's possible for us to just friends after the shit we've been through in a short amount of time.

"Why do you have to force me to make this choice..." I say aloud

I don't even want to think about that right now. I want to just spend the day with her and my family the right way. No problems or none of that. I go shower and put on some fresh clothes and go hop in the bed next to her.

"Isabelle..." I say gently shaking her

She moves her hands and touches my face. Her eyes still closed.

"Yes Chris..." She slowly says

"Get up and dressed, we're going out. Dress comfortable." I tell her

"Can we eat first though?" She asks

"We can eat where we goin"

She groans and rolls off the bed and there's a big thump. She serious right now? She slowly gets up, walks towards the bathroom and touches my cheek.

"Lil cutie Brown." She says sleepily

"Go shower Belle." I snap she need to hurry up

"Aw Belle...that's what my stepmom called me, I loved bein called Belle...but my stepdad called me Isabelle...and," she hiccups and takes a deep breath "he didn't do nothing.. but hurt me..." She stops and nods before going to the bathroom and locking the door.

Did she drink last night or sumn when I slept? Cause that's not like her. But now I know she got daddy issues.

Since I had gotten ready before her I just watched tv and waited. 45minutes the door opened.

"Yo ass better be dressed in 5 minu-" I stopped when I seen she was already dressed. She had a short ass top with matching shorts that had daisies or some shit on em. For the first time I seen her belly was pierced. She was lacing up some white vans and looked up at me.

"This might be revealing, buts it's almost 90 degrees out. So you gon have to deal." She tells me

"That's fine," I stated as I grabbed my keys "Time to rollout."

"Okay then Optimus Prime.." she said picking up her lil bag then following me out to the lobby

"You know transformers?" I ask

"Uh yeah, Shia Labeouf is bae." She says

"Should've known." I respond agitated

"Don't even get no attitude, but yes nigga. I know transformers."

We both get in the car and sit in silence. I look over at her, with her hair slightly blowing, and she scrunches her face. Lil ugly. I want to speak, but I don't even know what the hell to say to her at this point.

"We going to your mamas house?" She suddenly says intruding my thoughts.

"Uh yeah how'd you know?" I ask

"Cause we both know your ass should apologize to her for the way you were acting last night." She says giving me a side eye

I nod in agreement. We're at a stoplight and she reaches in her bag and pulls out the bracelet I gave her snapping it on her wrist. I still haven't taken mine off.

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