C41: Good Looking Out

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"Have you guys found anything out yet?" I ask Detective Carter, whose handling my arson case.

"We're trying to test some prints from the gasoline tubs that we found. I'll be sure to call you if something comes up." He tells me

"Okay, thank you." I tell him before hanging up

"No news?" Trey asks

I fall to the couch and groan.


"Just gotta give it some time. But I do have some good news for you." He says

I peer over the couch and look at him.

"What is it...." I ask

He puts his hand up before he walks into the closet and pulls out a box. He comes and sits next to me, and I look at it. He smiles and turns it to me, and I see my Sorella logo.

"NO WAY!" I yell grabbing the box from him

"Your first shipment is at the store waiting for you." He tells me

I jump and hug the box. This is my baby, I've put in made work for this store and my line. It's so exciting that I'm finally a step closer to the official opening.

There's a knock on the door and Trey goes to open it. It's Dreana.

"DEV..." She says

Trey let's her in and she walks up to me.

"Hi." I say and she hugs me. I hug her back and she smiles at me.

"I'm so sorry for everything, and I'm so happy you're back." She says

"It's okay. You were right anyways. I'm happy to be back." I tell her

"So are you two?" She says eyeing me and Trey and I laugh.

"Everyone seems to think so. But no, just friends." I tell her

"Ugh. I've been rooting for yall." She says

"Well stop, she got a date tonight." Trey says

"What..? You're out here dating?" Dre asks me

"Just starting. It's a blind date, thanks to Trey." I tell her

"Well I'd trust Trey's judgement." She says

"Everyone trusts Trey's judgement." I say and he laughs.

There's another knock at the door and Trey looks confused.

"I ain't expecting somebody."

He opens the door and Chris is there.

"Isabelle here?" He asks and Trey let's him in

Dreana rolls her eyes and crosses her arms.

"Why he always gotta come around." Dreana says

"Dre, chill. We're cool." I whisper

"Dude cheated twice and is engaged with a baby. DEV you're superwoman for being cordial with him." She says back and I shrug.

I'm still more mature than she is.

I walk over to him and he smiles when he sees me.

"You available?" He asks

"Yeah, what's up?" I ask him

I feel Trey and dreanas eyes in the back of neck.

"I wanted to show you the daycare and Yamoto is gonna be stopping by to talk with us." Chris says

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