C55: A Whole New World

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"Isabelle. Come on, we're boarding now." OB says to me

What am I doing? Am I really gonna leave? Chris was actually fighting for me and I'm just gonna do this to him?

You don't treat the people you love that way.

"Go ahead. I just need to breathe first. I'm not a fan of airplanes."

That wasn't even a lie, when I went to Virginia with Chris that was my first time on a plane. That's when we decided to be real with each other. That was almost a year ago. A year apart is enough time.

OB nods, and gets on the plane and I wait a couple minutes before I run.

I run outta there and get a taxi. I call Momma J.

"Hello? Momma, it's me."

"Isabelle!" She says at a slight whisper

"Where are you?" I ask

"Hospital still. We're about to bring Royalty home. Aren't you supposed to be on a plane right now?" She says

"Yes. But I'm not leaving. I don't want to be without Chris anymore. It just doesn't make sense after everything. Is he going back to the hotel? I want to surprise him. Is he upset?" I ask

"I can tell he's down, but he's putting on a happy face for Royalty. I don't think he's upset. He's going to his new house though, I'll send you the address. He doesn't have a spare key or anything yet so just wait out front. Nobody should bother you." She tells me

"Ok, great. I'll see you all soon."

The taxi brings me home, so I can shower and change. This is about to be our official reconciliation of he'll take me. There's always a chance he can change his mind and I'll accept that if he does.

I get in my car and look at the time. OB's plane should've taken off by now. I should at least text him, I hope he understands.

I'm sorry. I just couldn't leave again. I still want us to co-parent, and I still want you to be apart of this. Call me when you land if you want to talk.

I hit send and drive to the address Momma J sent me. I pull up and it's so nice. Reminds me of his place back in Virginia. I park a little off to the side so he doesn't notice, and walk up to the front steps and sit. I'm beyond nervous at this point. My hands are sweating, and I just don't know what's gonna happen at this point. I stand back up and walk up to the door to look inside.

I push the door and it just opens. Okay then... Should I just go in? I walk in and close the door. It's quiet, I look around and don't see anything suspicious. I'm not going to be nosy so I just sit down and wait.

I want Chris to be happy to see me, but there's no telling with him. He's still bipolar.

I hear a car door close and talking. Should I stand? Why is this so hard? I just stand up.The door opens I hear Chris laugh. He walks in and turns on the light and stops right in his tracks when he sees me. I see Momma J grab Royalty's car seat and walk over to the kitchen area.

"Isabelle, what're yo-" I put my hand up and he stops talking.

"Before you even say anything else let me just say this first."

He nods and steps closer to me.

"I'm sorry. I know you've been really trying, and you've been showing me that... But I've still been pushing you away. It's just that I'm scared. You've hurt me, and I've hurt you in my own way, I know that now. But I realized that I don't want to be without you anymore. I don't want to regret not taking a chance with you because of the past. I just want us to move forward. I love you Chris, and if you still want to make us work like I do.. Then let's do it."

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