C23: Back to Reality

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I'm on the way to go get Isabelle and Chris from the airport from their mini vacation. They got a big day ahead of them with Yamoto and Rayne being in town for a week. I really hope they can pull off their fake relationship. They should've had some time to bond and get used to each other in Virginia. Shit should be alright between them cause Isabelle didn't call me crying or screaming that she's gonna kill Chris.

Chris has been surprisingly pretty relaxed about this whole situation, despite this contract being a big deal. I mean if he can get Yamoto to invest in another hotel in another country Chris will be even bigger than he is now. It's also beneficial to me since I am a partner, I mean I could be moving out of the country to get the new place up and running smoothly.

I get to the airport and it looks like their jet just landed. I'm really looking forward to see how these two are acting towards each other. I get out out the car and sit on the hood as the door drops down. Immediately I see both of them, Isabelle is on Chris' back laughing and he comes down the stairs, it's like they ain't even see me. They look like a real happy couple. I see Isabelle bite Chris' shoulder and he laughs out loud. Isabelle finally looks up and sees me and she starts cheesing.

"TREY!" She yells and jumps off Chris' back and runs over and hugs me.

"Y'all lookin happy." I say

"We are" She says trying to catch her breath. "It was a really good trip, worth it and we're ready to get this deal." she tells me

"I'm glad to hear that, wassup negro." I say giving Chris some dap.

"Glad to be back in LA." He says

"So y'all really good? No problems? You're ready for Yamoto and Rayne?" I ask

"We more than good." Chris answers

I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Is there something I'm missing?" I ask

"What you mean?" Isabelle says

"Y'all a little bit too happy, y'all fuck or something?"

"NOOO. No we didn't. Ha. What." Isabelle replies
"Okay, well let's go then. I ain't even gon jinx it."

We get their suitcases in the back then Chris gets in the passenger seat while Isabelle gets in the seat behind him. She leans up and rubs his chest and he looks back at her and smiles.

I've seen Chris happy plenty of times, but I ain't never seen him happy like this...


So I guess Rayne and Yamoto are here but they want to meet with us in a more comfortable setting, so we're going out for dinner. Reality definitely sets in. I gotta nail this for Chris. I mean personally would've liked to meet them first just to get a feel for them, but it's okay. I work pretty well under pressure. I showered did my hair and makeup, now figuring out what to wear. Like should I dress up or casual... I mean this is business but I don't know! I haven't done shit like this before. I guess I can just call Chris and see what he's wearing. I grab my cell phone and dial. He answers on the first ring.

"Wassup?" He says

"What're you wearing to dinner, because I don't know what to wear and I'm stressing out." I reply

"A suit..a black one." He says with a laugh

"Why're you laughin? This is serious, I'm tryna make a good first impression for you here." I tell him

"You over thinking it, I'll be over in ten so be dressed."

"Alright, bye." I say and hang up

I go to my closet one more time and find the perfect dress hiding in the back. Its black, has a turtleneck, not trying to distract with the cleavage, but it's short and I can show off my legs. Black pumps to match, and we're all set.

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