Chapter 16:warning

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The Qis received Qi Xiao's letter after a week, they were happy knowing that she is fine,

In the envelope, there was a letter and a photo, in the photo she was riding on a hot air balloon and was smiling sweetly at the camera

Qi Feng open the letter and found it boring but Qi Fan found it weird so he read it again

To my family who loves me the most

I am doing great in here somewhere out here!

I know that you miss me dearly because you all love me so much!

I heard that eldest brother will have a huge project together with the Tan and Su,

You dont need to investigate those two because they are trustworthy fellows and knowing my big brother he will be successful without an accident.

I miss you and love you all!

"Is there something the matter with the letter ahFan?"

Qi Feng ask curiously, Qi Fan look at the rest of them and said

"This is a warning letter"

Qi Yan's eyes widen and snatch the letter

"How can you say that it is a warning? isn't just a normal letter?"

Qi Fan took back the letter and put it on the table

"When you look at it you can say like that but try looking closer"

The rest did as he say only then they realized that some letters were written a little more forcefully

"There is really something different!"

Qi Yan exclaim

Ye Fei took a pen and wrote down the clues and Qi Feng read it out

"Project, together, Tan, and Su, investigate an accident"

Qi Feng look at the words with complicated eyes it was really a warning!

"No need to think about it, just do as she says! but I hope that she will not bring herself into a dangerous situation"

Qi Feng said while worrying, Ye Fei is nervous about her only daughter,

They are thinking all the same,

They thought that Qi Xiao is running into a dangerous situation just to obtain these clues,

But how could Qi Xiao will know that her family's imagination become wild and think about the various scene in the action movies they watched and instead of the male leads they become Qi Xiao?

While the Qi family is directing action movies in their minds Qi Xiao is now staying in another desolate province in a small tropical country.

She came there on purpose because it's summer and most people like to go to tropical countries to enjoy summer!

She booked a whole house in a small resort to fully enjoy the place,

When she saw it in a brochure she like it on the spot,

The resort was near the beach and lake with a lot of beautiful rivers and the most important part is, the place is really serene!

Because the beach has huge waves so the staff said that it was perfect for surfing so Qi Xiao didn't do anything for two days but just learn how to surf.

The staff looks at her in amazement because her color is still as white as snow even playing under the summer heat for 2 days and to think that she is wearing two piece bikini!

Qi Xiao just laugh and ignore their praises and all!

She really has great skin! a beautiful face and a body! but in the end, her boyfriend was still snatched away by a, not as beautiful and as sexy as her!

So what she will do with those traits if it's useless for the person she loves?

Shaking her head to remove those negative thoughts she decided to take a photo with her two-piece daring black bikini that she never imagine she will wear in her life and send it to Han Yun.

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