Chapter 90

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The crowd gasp and so did Qi Xiao, while taking another step back, the second young master Long noticed her movement and stop his eldest brother

"Big brother I think you have to find a private place to resolve your issue with your woman right?"

The eldest stopped and look around finally noticing that he lost his temper

"Take this trash out"

He coldly said to the staff, the woman wanted to beg but they put a cloth in her mouth to avoid her making another sound.

"Long Shan! you are already here and yet you didn't still come and greet our father! you really are rebellious!"

The crowd was shocked and looked at Long Shan.

So this is the legendary useless and rebellious youngest master of Long?

Long Shan shrugs his shoulder

"As you can see eldest brother your woman was here making a scene so how can I leave?"

The crowd look away, it was obviously a lie! but nobody dares to say it out.

"Miss Qi I am sorry about earlier"

Long Shan scoff

"What sorry?do you think the damage your woman made to Qi Xiao can easily be resolved by just sorry? Dream on!"

"Shut up Long Shan! I was not talking to you!"

Qi Xiao pout

"It is good that you didn't grow up being like them!"

Qi Xiao whispers to Long Shan but enough to be heard by the people near them.

"Miss Qi, what do you mean?"

The second ask

"What I mean is already obvious! Don't play innocent to me!"

Qi Xiao saw he is still playing innocent so she loudly say

"You clearly see everything! you are just over there watching your big brother's woman humiliate me and yet you just watched with great interest like watching a good show! And I clearly remember before the woman come to us she was talking to you!"

The second young master's eyes went cold

"Miss Qi please don't wrongly accuse me"

"I accuse you or not you know it better than anyone!"

And she looks at the eldest brother

"I am really glad that Long Shan didn't grow up with you! even sleeping in that kind of thing? did you even check her? maybe you contracted a sickness that you will only get from dirt like that!"

While saying that the disgust in her face is evident.

"Oh come on! why are you acting like you are the same kind?"

Another voice suddenly said, Qi Xiao and Long Shan look back and saw a beautiful and alluring woman with Shen Chuchu towing.

Qi Xiao chuckle

"I hate those people who look smart but utterly stupid!"

The woman smiles and ask

"What do you mean?"

Qi Xiao giggle

"Worthy of being A-listed actress but"

She looks at Shen Chuchu mockingly and continues

"Do you think that because of your fan base, you can bring me down, Miss Fu Ling?"

Fu Ling raises her eyebrow and didn't say just look at her challenging her.

Qi Xiao laugh and glanced at her chest pin

"Are you having a live now? then let me give your millions of fans a great show! let me show your fans how loyal you are as a friend and even your career will be ruined as long as you can avenge your best friend's grievance right?"

Fu Ling frown

"What do you mean?"

Qi Xiao just smile mysteriously and ask

"Let us have a bet! if your career will be ruined and your name will smear with a lot of scandals do you think that so-called best friend of yours will help you?"

Fu Ling felt her uneasiness but her face remain calm

"I don't know what are you talking about"

Qi Xiao smile wider and tease her

"You know I have this habit"

She said while searching for something on her mobile phone and continue

"I like collecting different kinds of scandals, especially scandals about Shen Chuchu's friend, you already saw the reporter right? Don't worry it is not only about her."

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