Chapter 81:dont give up the treatment

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Han Min smirked, his godly assist is really his sister!

As expected Long Shan react

"Damn it! Han Min you bastard let go of my girlfriend this instant!"

Han Min chuckled and ignore him

"Baby you okay? come up with me! let me check first if there is really no wound!"

After hearing that Long Shan become more agitated

"A****** who is your baby? if you lay a finger in my girl I swear I will beat you up until your mother won't recognize you!"

Madam Han coughed when she heard it and didn't know how to react.

"What can you do? I am hugging her right now!"

He deliberately provokes him

"Bastard! Let go of my girl! you wait for me! I am coming home now! just wait!"

Long Shan roared and said to Qi Xiao

"Honey wait for me okay? in my return, that bastard cannot touch you again!"

After that he cut the call, Qi Xiao sigh while massaging her forehead

"Baby you okay? let me see. what about a hospital?"

"Let go!"

Qi Xiao said through gritted teeth but Han Min hug her tighter while acting baby

"Don't you miss me?"

And Qi Xiao's answer was his arm locked in his back while his face pasted on the table.

But Han Min didn't stop teasing her

"Baby, is this the way you saying are how much you miss me? I didn't know that you liked this kind of play!"

Qi Xiao felt goosebump and suddenly let him go in disgust

"Please stop! I don't want to lose my appetite! and please don't act like it wasn't your fault, to begin with!"

Han Min was massaging his arm and suddenly stop become confused

"How is it my fault?"

Qi Xiao turns her back to him, really regretting going out today.

"If you didn't become a scumbag that incident won't happen!"

Han Yun answers mercilessly which makes Madam Han more speechless.

Qi Xiao didn't really want to quarrel with him in front of his mother so she look at him and explain word by word

"Because why not stick properly with your fiancee? I dont want any conflict with any of you so please don't come near me if your problem with your girl is not yet resolved, I do not want to be on the receiving end"

Han Min become serious and looked at her darkly

"You will never be the receiving end! I will fix this problem I am sure but how can I fix my problem with my girl if I won't come to you?"

Qi Xiao was relieved by his first sentence but lost by the last

"How is it related to me about resolving your problem with your girl?"

Han Min just look at her meaningfully and left feeling satisfied with flirting with the wife.

Qi Xiao read his mind and suddenly become agitated again

"I am not your freaking girl you shameless man!"

And turn to Madam Han

"Mama Han, what is wrong with your son? I strongly recommend a psychiatrist! he badly needs it!"

Madam Han cough awkwardly and refuse to admit that it was her son!

Han Yun knows that Qi Xiao is still mad so she hurriedly comforts her

"Don't worry little Xiao we will bring him in the most famous psychiatrist in the country! number 1 in the whole world!"

Qi Xiao nodded feeling a little comforted and add

"Tell him that don't give up on his medicine, it will help him!"

Don't give up on treatment!

Han Yun agree

"Don't worry! we will work hard for his early recovery!"

Madam Han cannot take it anymore so she changes the topic

"Little Xiao, who are you talking to earlier?"

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