Chapter 98

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The audience was touched by his speech and looked at Qi Xiao in a new light,

Qi Xiao hid behind his brothers and whisper

"Why do they look at me like I am illuminating?"

The brothers just laugh.

Qi Xiao formally introduces Lu Li to her friends and brother.

"I already imagine that you are part of the bigshots!"

Said Lu Li casually

"Why? Am I snobbish?"

"Hey! Hey! Are we snobbish?"

Han Yun react before Lu Li did, and Qi Xiao laugh awkwardly and deny her accusation.

Qi Xiao remember her and Han Yun's gift and gave it to him.

Lu Li thank them and open the gift, when the gift was unwrapped Lu Li's mouth twitched.

He looks at Qi Xiao but is almost blinded by her beaming eyes! obviously waiting for a praise

"Camera? Because I am a photographer?"

Qi Xiao and Han Yun nod their eyes still waiting for the praise.

Lu Li smile and thank them, which makes the both of them feel proud but the men laugh at them

"Darling I am speechless!"

Long Shan said while trying so hard to stop his laugh

Qi Xiao and Han Yun look at each other and look at their friend with question marks on their head.

In the end, nobody explains to them what is so funny about their gift.

The art show was a success, Long Shan, Han Yun, and the Qi brothers fought for Qi Xiao's portrait but Lu Li refused hard.

Qi Xiao was secretly studying Han Min.

After that night he keeps his distance from her, his behavior is different but the way he looks at her is still a bit scary!

But it is fine, right? As long as he won't cross the line.

Qi Xiao invited Lu Li for dinner and he happily agreed.

So all of them celebrated the success of Lu Li's art show.

"I wanted to cook for you but I don't know until when you will be staying I so changed my mind!"

Qi Xiao said when the food is served it makes all of them feel pity! after all Qi Xiao's cooking is delectable

"That's a pity then!"

Lu Li voices out everyone's thought

"It's fine! tell me when you will be available and I will cook for you! anything for my idol! I am your number 1 fan!"

Lu Li laughs heartily

"Then I am really glad that you are my number 1 fan!"

Qi Xiao smile and nod her head

"You should!"

She said without a shame that makes others laugh

"So what is your plan after?"

Qi Xiao asks Lu Li later on

"I still have a lot of shows to attend internationally"

Yun Han's eyes widen

"Wow! You  are truly great!"

Lu Li just smiles humbly

"Then when you will leave?"

Ask Qi Xiao again

"I can only stay for a week! and after that, I will have to leave"

Qi Xiao pouts,

"That's too bad! so when we can hang out?"

Lu Li shook his head and said in a low tone.

"Sorry Miss Qi but I will be busy"

"Why? I think you should have a little vacation! why are you so busy?!"

Qi Xiao whines which makes the others laugh as well.

"You can just visit him right?"

Han Min said good naturely

"Yeah! I can! But is it okay?"

She asks Lu Li unsure

"I will gladly welcome you!"

Han Min's fist tightens, there is a fire within him, the feeling like he wants to destroy everything seeing Qi Xiao being so enthusiastic with another man felt like there is acid within him corroding his flesh.

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