Chapter 43: wrong reaction

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"Where did you arrange their lodging for tonight?"

Ask Qi Xiao after their 'enjoyable' meal

"Of course, I will be sleeping with you!"

Snarl Han Yun while hugging Qi Xiao again before Long Shan can even react,

Long Shan laughs and tease

"I didn't know that Han's young miss is this open-minded! anyway I don't mind, imagining that 'harmonious' image is quite stimulating"

The room quietens down again and they look at him weirdly

"Do you want a fight?"

"Shut up you pervert!"

Qi Fan and Qi Yan simultaneously,

Han Min's face darken, Mo Ling and Ko Pin's eyes widen, while Shen Chuchu blushed,

But Han Yun's eyes are looking around innocently while Qi Xiao rolls her eyes

"Shut up you crazy bastard!"

Long Shan clutch his beaten arm and asked

"It was not me! it was her who said those stimulating words! but don't worry darling, as long as I live, nobody will be sleeping with you!"

Qi Xiao grits her teeth and pinches his arm again but this time she put more force and even twisted it.

And suddenly Han Yun exclaims, Qi Xiao, laughs seeing how red her face is

"I did not mean like that! why are you so dirty?"

Long Shan laughed the loudest,

"How innocent!"

He said while wiping his psychological tears

Qi Xiao shook her head but her eyes inadvertently bump into a dark stormy eye,

Qi Xiao inwardly shook and look away panicky,

Han Min's eyes never leave Qi Xiao, Long Shan noticed it a long time ago,

Not only him, most of the people in the room noticed it but only Qi Xiao didn't because she never dares to look at him

While calming her surging emotion Qi Fan warn

"Thanks to young master Long concern, but we can protect our sister well, no need to concern yourself on her business!"

Long Shan chuckled and mocked

"Yeah! I can see how Qi Xiao is well protected by your family! even allowing her to be hurt by someone close to your family! Tsk! What a letdown!"

Qi Fan and Qi Yan looked livid after his words


Qi Yan shout but cannot continue, after all, he is right!

Qi Xiao warns Long Han to stop but he turned blind eyes to her warning glares

"But thanks to your failure in protecting her I meet her! and"

He paused and look at Han Min and Shen Chuchu full of mockery

"A scum and a b**** really suited each other well!"

Shen Chuchu turn red from shame, she look at Han Min pitifully but his eyes were still on Qi Xiao never really cared about the insult that was thrown at them so she stood up and said loudly

"I know that we have a past and I hurt you! but that was a long time ago! why can't you move on? "

The different reaction was a little subtle,


Qi Xiao's reaction while reclining after taking her drinks, her reaction is actually like an audience waiting for a great show,

Long Shan turns to Qi Xiao and ask

"Darling your reaction doesn't seem right!"

Qi Xiao look at him and sat up straight and adjusts her facial expression,

Long Shan laugh at her looked 'betrayed' and turn back to Shen Chuchu while asking

"I don't understand Miss Shen's words!"

Long Shan cross his hand on his chest waiting for her explanation,

Han Yun noticed that Qi Xiao's reaction is rather off, she thought that she will feel badly hurt but looking at her deadpan reaction it seems that the relationship between Long Shan and Qi Xiao is fake, or rather her best friend genuinely trust Long Shan well.

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