Chapter 108

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"So Shen Xing and Shen Chuchu are now in prison?"

Han Min ask gently while covering the ears of the sleeping Qi Xiao, she fell asleep unknowingly while crying.

He heard that she never had a proper rest while he was in a coma.

He already knows from his dream that the cause of Qi Xiao's death is Shen Xing, and was shock when he learned that it was Shen Xing and Shen Chuchu's plan to kill Qi Xiao.

He doesn't know how to explain his feeling but he was glad that he took the bullet for her.

Did he manage to change her fate?

Remembering his dream, his eyes darken, he will take revenge again, even if it's just a dream nobody can hurt Qi Xiao!

Qi Xiao woke up feeling refreshed! it's been a while since she slept this long.

Remembering Han Min she hurriedly look around, realizing that she was in the room she is always occupying in the Han house she is skeptical, she remember that she fell asleep in Han Min's room, so? what happens?

"You awake?"

Han Min ask seeing her.

She nods and smiles feeling relief.

"It's good that it was not a dream! by the way! Who put me in the other room?"

Han Min's eyes darken remembering what happened.

Long Shan come to visit him, and seeing  Qi Xiao sleeping in Han Min's bed he took her and transfer her to another room.

Han Min want to fight him but he cannot, so he just glares at him hatefully,  he will make Long Shan pay when his strength return.

Seeing his dark expression, Qi Xiao become more confused

"Did I sleepwalk?"

She ask uncertainly, Han Min snap out and shook his head

"You did not! Long Shan carried you to another room"

Qi Xiao is finally relieved.

"How do you feel today?"

Han Min smile gently

"Don't worry, I am already fine! I will start my rehabilitation tomorrow!"

Qi Xiao nod but stop seeing him looking seriously at her


"I am sorry"

Qi Xiao was startled by the sudden apology


Han Min took her hand and let her sit beside him

"It was my fault! you suffer a lot! I don't have any excuses! it was all because of me!"

Qi Xiao's muscle tense up

"I-i don't understand?"

"My dream! it was real right?"

Han Min suddenly said that making Qi Xiao's eyes widen

"And you were hurt badly because of me!"

He continues.

Qi Xiao smile

"It was just a dream! Don't think much about it okay?"

But Han Min insists

"The necklace, it was supposed to be yours! i-i know I cannot turn back time but! please let me correct my mistakes! give me a chance to protect you! if I didn't do it properly last life then let me do it this life!"

Qi Xiao's tears finally fell, while sniffing she said

"It w-was nobody's fault! we are just victims! i-i was hurt but i-i didn't blame you!"

Han Min hug her and wept with her

"Don't leave me okay? i-it was hell! i-i wanna die but I cannot! I watch you cry, I watch you suffer, and even saw your tombstone!"

Qi Xiao push him a little and wipe his tears

"I-it was just a dream! or nightmare! I am alive and everyone is okay!"

Han Min took her hands and put his head on her shoulder

"It was our past, my present, and your future"

Then he paused and explain

"The past that I ruin, my present without you, and the future you will choose"

Qi Xiao was stunned then look at him with eyes full of tears while asking

"What do you mean?"

Han Min hug her tighter and answer

"As long as you are alive! As long you are safe! I am willing to protect you for the rest of my life"

Then his voice started to shake

"E-even if you choose to start your life with someone else!e-even if you learn to love someone else!"

But Qi Xiao kisses his lips to shut him up, Han Min's eyes widen then he slightly moves away

"I-is this your answer?"

Qi Xiao nod then said

"I am lucky that I was given a chance! not once but two times to live and I want to cherish this life with you!"

Han Min's eyes were red again then hug her tighter.

It was not her who was not given another chance.

It was always him because he knows that he will always follow her wherever she will go.

                "The End"

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