Chapter 106

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Qi Xiao didn't know what happen next, her mind is blank.

She only woke up when Han Yun  shake her after the operation


Then she finally cried hard hearing that

"Wwwwaaaaahhhhhh!I am sorry! it was my fault! it was supposed to be me! Sorry!"

The Han couple hugs her

"Little Xiao, it is not! That is what Min wanted to do! That is his decision, dont blame yourself okay?"

But she just shook her head and cry harder, she cannot explain them, it was supposed to be her!

They thought that after the successful operation, everything will be over but he didn't wake up even after 3 days so the doctor sadly announce that he fell into a deep coma.

Qi Xiao thought that her tears are already dried up but when she heard the news she cry again.

Han Min was trapped in a dream, a very long and painful dream.

He doesn't know what is it but, in his mind, this is a what 'if' scene.

In the dream, Qi Xiao didn't leave and forced Han Min to remember her and his promise.

He watch how she fought, how she become a different person.

She always tried to humiliate Shen Chuchu, until the whole country, judged her as an evil person.

He watched how she cried every night and even hoped and wished that it was just a nightmare and that when she woke up again her beloved Han Min will finally remember her.

Han Min clutches his painful heart but he keeps on watching.

She insists on fighting, even though the whole country persecutes her, and humiliates her, but she just ignores them! Her whole concern is Han Min.

After 5 years, someone gave him the ETERNITY necklace, then the story of the necklace was passed on to him as well.

He keep that necklace, thinking to give it to Qi Xiao for some unknown reason but his grandma found it and gave it to Shen Chuchu.

And they even announced that it was he who has give it, At that time the whole Han is already in a huge problem so he didn't know.

But after that Qi Xiao left, he was too busy helping the Qi and running the Han.

But after 2 days after Qi Xiao's departure, shocking news came, Qi Xiao died in her apartment in the country M.

She was shot several times.

Then to Han Min, everything came back.

But it was already too late!

The Qi already fell, the Han is already bankrupt, he already lost everything but Han Min is Han Min!

So with the help of his friends and the biggest factor, Long Shan.

After 2 weeks he managed to take back the necklace and only then he visits Qi Xiao's tomb to beg, beg for forgiveness!

He cried hard that day, cry for the whole day while gripping the necklace

"Little Xiao I know it's already too late but let me take revenge first then follow you okay? then let me beg for you in person! even if you won't forgive it's fine! I am willing to wait until you forgive me! I will follow you! just let me kill those who hurt and kill you! then I promise that I come to you!"

After 10 years, his sweet revenge is finally achieved, then he goes back to Qi Xiao, still carrying the necklace.

"Little Xiao I am back! I already avenge you! They are all dead and not even their bones remain! it was the time to fulfill my second promise that I have been meaning to do so! every day living without you is like hell! Every breath is like a knife stabbing my heart! Baby, it's really painful but I will gladly end this life! maybe this is my retribution, to live painfully without you but if there is a second life, I am still gonna accept this pain as long as you forgive me! As long as you are alive"

Then he pull out his gun and shoot his heart, the most useless part of his when Qi Xiao died.


was heard echoed throughout the whole cemetery then, he fell beside Qi Xiao's tomb.

The necklace he was always carrying fell into a pool of blood then a mysterious light surround him before everything goes black.

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