Chapter 64:number 1

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"Not only that! he is possessive and very overbearing and controlling, so even if he knew that we are just pretending he will still feel jealous seeing us being so close together!"

Qi Xiao knit her eyebrows still having a doubt

"Do you think it will work? what if it didn't work? after all, he has a fiancee now?"

Long Shan laughs loudly

"Very naive! even if! there is nothing loose on our side! Don't worry darling! but let me prove my point! look at him!"

Qi Xiao glances in front

"There is already a storm brewing in his head!"

She laugh when she heard it, she can't see whatever Long Shan are talking about, but just imagining it makes her snicker!

Because she laughs a little louder so the others clearly heard it!

They looked back so she hid behind Long Shan's back looking shy!

She didn't know that what she did make them look like they are flirting.

Long Shan chuckled look back at her with a helpless smile and explain

"It's nothing! she just remembers something"

That ambiguous explanation makes it worst!

Han Min squints his blazing eyes! if his glare could kill Long Shan has been long dead!

Seeing this Long Shan laugh more and tilt his head back to say something to her.

In Han Min's eyes, they look really sweet which makes his teeth cringed!

He tightens his hold on the camel reign and tries hard to endure everything! even though what happened before wasn't his fault! even though he just fell victim to a huge scheme but he still hurt her so he can only swallow!

While riding he still keep on hearing his low laugh and her giggles that his teeth felt like falling!

Long Shan see how the dark cloud above him keeps getting bigger and now there were thunders and lightning in it!

Qi Xiao covers her mouth to muffle her laughter and peek but she cannot still see what he is talking about!

Qi Xiao's mood is finally lifted after talking to Long Shan! since before it was always been like this!

Having him really is great! She was really grateful to obtain another big brother in the process of running away!

Han Yun throws herself into Qi Xiao when she steps on the sand

"Wow! I never really think that it is pretty here! except for the sand that is entering my eyes of course!"

Qi Xiao laugh and lead her to the tent that Long Shan rented.

The camping site is one of their tourist attraction so there is a lot of tents, small and big, grand and simple!

Because Long Shan and her tend to go on the simpler side so they are always making sure that the tent will be simple yet big!

When they enter the tent Qi Xiao reminds her

"You can remove the outer clothes, it is close in here so no sand can enter"

Han Yun jumps and hurriedly removes the clothes and complain

"I can finally breath  normally!"

Qi Xiao took the clothes and hang them with her clothing also.

The best friends are already sitting comfortably on the carpet with cushions while happily chatting

"So when do you meet that Long Shan?"

Han Yun suddenly asks which makes Qi Xiao smile mysteriously and answer her question without Han Yun noticing it.

"More than a year! he was very crazy! coming to me and telling me about crazy kinds of stuff!"

Of course, she will not gonna tell about him being crazy about stupid revenge!

"And then we hit it off! we both like playing games so we started a game company! thanks to him I am happy and forget a lot of sad things! he takes good care of me and I am truly grateful to have him!"

Han Yun looks intently and asks subtly

"So who do you love the most?"

Qi Xiao laugh at her childishness while hugging her

"Of course it is you! you are the number 1 in my heart!"

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