Chapter 23: the fox

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"What? Are you sure?"

Father Han asked feeling incredulous!

Han Min didn't say more just nods his head,

Anyway, he still needs more clues,

He only remembers a little bit, but this is enough to trap them, he will only just wait for them to make their move again.

"Did you tell this to your mother?"

Han Min shook his head and add

"And to Han Yun, it will be a huge problem if they knew about it, especially Han Yun"

Father Han agreed, knowing how straightforward Han Yun is, she will surely confront Grandma Han and this will only gonna disrupt the plan.

Han Yun and mother Han are waiting for Grandma Han at the airport,

Although a little confused about her sudden visit, either way they are happy,

The Han siblings are not close to their grandparents but Han Yun admires them because she saw how loving both of them are, which is very rare in a rich family like them.

Han Yun smile and hug the  gentle-looking and dignified old lady

"Grandma! Welcome to the capital! how is your travel!"

The old lady smiles gently and reply

"The travel is fine, grandma is just a little tired"

"Mother the car is already waiting, let us go so you can rest"

The old lady nods and lets her granddaughter lead her.

At Han's villa while having dinner Grandma Han suddenly ask

"Min what about your girlfriend?"

Han Min's eyes flash a cold glint but it disappears quickly

"She was in an unknown location"

Han Yun doubted what she heard and ask

"Isn't she in the apartment you bought for her?"

Han Min didn't even look at her and just answer boredly

"That girl is my savior, I never considered her as my girlfriend, isn't my girl Qi Xiao?"

Han Yun scoff

"Dream on"

While the sibling is bantering mama Han is a little confused but she knows when to ask and when to not.

And grandma Yun is just looking with an unknown emotion

"So Min's meaning is your girlfriend is little Xiao from the beginning?"

Han Min nodded and continue his meal

"But I heard that you treat the young lady who saved you differently?"

"Grandma as you said she saved me so I am treating her differently, but it was only pure gratitude"

Grandma squints her eyes and tries reading her grandson

Han Min look back at her and look at her eye to eye,

After a few seconds, Grandma Han look away like nothing happens but she was a little flustered when she looked at him,

She already experiences a lot of things and she thought that nothing could make her panick anymore

But when she looked at Han Min she felt cold sweat on her back, his eyes are cold and as if it is saying that he knows everything!

'I need to move faster! it will be dangerous when his memory returns!'

After the harmonious meal, the older lady decides to rest early her reason is being tired.

When grandma han enters her room she makes a call in a hurry

"Doctor Tim, do you think that it is still possible to hypnotize Han Min again?"

The other side was silent for a long while before someone spoke

"Madam it will be more harder! your grandson's mind is way too strong! I only rely upon my determination so I succeeded! but this time I don't know if I still have a chance! the consequence will be unimaginable! you will be safe but what about me? I cannot afford to offend the Han!"

Grandma Han grits her teeth and warns him

"I am telling you that you already offend them! if you don't make a move again do you think they will let you go? naive! think about it, I am the only life straw that you can hold into so better smarten up!"

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