Chapter 20:friends

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"Okay, okay, I will change them for you! I will send them sooner so don't be mad okay? Is the Tan and Su already made their moves?"

"Yes! Those stupid Qis didn't even doubt them! just wait my love our revenge will be soone achieve"

The mysterious person ended the call and smile sinisterly,

Back to Han Min after Shen Chuchu's call ended he received a call

"When Miss Shen arrive home she received a call from outside the country, we tried listening but it was futile! the call was well protected"

Han Min tap his work desk and slowly said

"It's fine, we already had a clue, I guess the fox will soon come out, let us just wait and see, how about the Qis?"

"Boss they secretly investigate the Tans and Sus and find some anomaly, they even caught the spies they planted in their company, they just let them because I think they already dig a huge trap for them!"

Han Min inwardly nodded

"That's good but still keep an eye on them, help them if necessary, but make sure that nobody will notice"

Han Min close his eyes to relax, it has been half a year now and they don't still have an important clue,

But he can't do anything, but to wait.

He opens his eyes and takes the picture from his pocket, he studied the image carefully but his eyes are getting darker and darker,

He didn't know what kind of obsession he had with the girl!

He closes his eyes and imagines the real Qi Xiao in his office with only a skimpy bikini on her,

He hurriedly stand up and cursed

"Damn it!"

He enters the bathroom to wash his face, trying to remove the heat that was brought upon him by just looking at the photo.

In a few moments, the neat and clean Han Min came out like nothing happens.

But in his mind, he really wants to find Qi Xiao, but he knows that it is still dangerous so he can only comfort himself.

Qi Xiao is now staying at the bottom of the highest mountain in the world!

Of course, she wanted to climb the mountain but she need the experts so she can only wait they said at most they will climb after 3 days.

While waiting Qi Xiao is ready to send another clue, she trusts her family that they investigated the clues she send but she still needs to make a plan,

An accident is unforeseen so they can only make preparations to reduce the loss.

While Qi Xiao is waiting to climb the mountain,

Han Min decided to meet his friends.

These friends grew up with them, like Qi and Han they were their neighbors as well

"Wow! Brother Han really came! what a surprise! Welcome brother!"

Han Min just glance at the man and just enter directly,

Mo Ling just laugh even though he was ignored

"Brother Han really didn't change! Even though he has amnesia yet still his demeanor is still the same! by the way Brother Han I am Mo Ling! The 6th from the group!"

Han Min nods his head indicating that he knows

Mo Ling clap his hand and let the others reintroduce themselves

"Brother Han I am Ko Pin,3rd to the group!"

"Kim Xi,5th"

Han Min open his mouth afterward

"I know"

"Okay, let us cheer for having back our second brother! "

After drinking Han Min finally ask

"What about the Qis?"

The trio look at each other a little stunned

Mo Ling had no choice but to explain

"When they learn that you will come they turn down my invitation"

Han Min nod his head with understanding but Mo Ling still said it out loud

"After all brother Han, you hurt our beloved Xiao so you understand right?"

Han Min looks at him menacing and ask


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