Chapter 80:concerns

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When Qi Xiao arrived at the Han the scandal already broke out including her video that was recorded by the crowd.

"You finally came! we were worried about you! you are not hurt right?"

Han Yun hugged her tight right after she alighted the car, she smile helplessly and hug back

"Yunyun I am fine! I am not hurt!"

Han Yun checks her from head to toe first before leading her in.

Madam Han hug her when she saw her feeling relieved

"It is good that you are fine! As long as you are fine!"

Qi Xiao hug back and comfort the middle-aged lady

"Mama Han I am fine! I know a lot of self-defense remember?"

Madam Han let go and look at her

"Little Xiao truly grew up more beautiful!"

Qi Xiao laugh she thank her and praise back, while happily chatting her phone rang

"Darling you okay? nothing happens right? Why didn't you bring a driver and a guard with you?"

Ye Fei's worried voice echoed

"Mom I'm fine! nothing happens! don't, worry! I arrived at the Han safely! relax okay?"

Ye Fei's worried is lessened and after a lot of reminders, she finally cut off the call.

Qi Xiao received a lot of calls first before finally putting down her mobile phone.

She smiles at the two ladies and resumes chatting with them

"Little Xiao, what you will do? I will help you!"

Qi Xiao smile and said

"Nutritious cookies first!"

The mother and daughter look at each other and become curious

"While I was on a small island I learn making this with them! the island is rather poor so they learned to make do with anything!  It was actually surprisingly delicious unlike what I first thought"

While explaining her phone rang again so she answer it and put it in hand-free mode

"Darling you okay? did they hurt you? tell me! I will make them pay ten folds!"

Qi Xiao laughs at Long Shan's frantic voice but still assures him

"I am fine! nobody will dare! I am pretty sure especially if I say your name in front of them they will surely run with their tail between their legs"

Long Shan laughs smugly

"Of course, they will!"

"But I do not need to kill those chickens using my secret weapon okay? a beginner's weapon one will be sufficient!"

She said while mixing the ingredients, but she is doing it slowly so the mother-daughter will see clearly,

Madam Han was surprised when she heard an unfamiliar voice called Qi Xiao and even call her darling.

While Qi Xiao is happily chatting with Long Shan she was suddenly hugged behind her back.

Qi Xiao froze and look back and almost cuss loudly!

Han Min's soul almost left him when his assistant show him the video, he hurriedly ask someone to locate her and was surprised that she was actually in their house.

He knows that she will go out because there was no breakfast sent to him today but he didn't know that she will come to their house.

When he enters, his worry is finally eased but he is still not satisfied by just looking so he hugs her despite that his mother and sister was there.

Qi Xiao grits her teeth a steps on his foot with all her might but because she was wearing a fluffy indoor slipper and together with her soft little feet so she was just like tickling him.

Han Yun was the one who reacted first so she roar forgetting that Qi Xiao is still on the phone talking to Long Shan

"Han Min let go of little Xiao right now!"

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