Chapter 92

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"It is good then! After all, if she is really your mother I will ask for a DNA for you! but your brother seems to be born with this kind of creature?"

Han Yun giggle and add

"Little Xiao you are totally right! Long Shan thank your ancestors that you are not from that kind of thing! Don't worry we will thank them with you just to show how thankful we are!"

The men secretly laugh, women are really evil when they get mad

"agreeable! I can't imagine Long Shan if he ends up being like them! how utterly humiliating!it is a huge relief!"

While the both of them are talking Long Guan and his woman's fave become livid

"This young miss I don't seems to remember offending you?"

She said calmly, Qi Xiao look sideways and sigh

"Yeah, you did not but, just looking at you is already offending!"





While Qi Xiao and Han Yun is exchanging their thought about the woman the two sons can't take it anymore

"Enough you two!"

The second son shouted, Qi Xiao raise her eyebrow

"Of course, you will get mad! After all, it is your mother! so I understand! See both you act and talk like a lowly person!"

The second son's fist tighten and even the first son

"ENOUGH! If you just come here to wreck this night you better leave or don't blame me!"

Qi Xiao laughs evilly

"We didn't come here just to wreck this night! we come here to ruin your lives! we come here to show the whole nation how filthy and insidious this family is! I will make you all regret that you treated Long Shan and Zhang Daiyu that way! I want to see if that woman you choose over your wife will still stick to you even if you turn into a penniless man! I want to see if these sons you are proud off can still stand up even if all of you become paupers! we come here to give you the most unforgettable gift you will ever receive! just like what you did to Zhangs, you will pay tenfolds  for what you did!"

After saying that Long Shan open a video again and a draft was shown in it,

It was the Long company shares that is dropping at a very fast speed,

The crowd was petrified and mobile phone rings can be heard anywhere.

Long Guan shakily pick his mobile and answered because he was shaken he accidentally presses the handoff mode

"Sir we didn't know what happen! it was too sudden! we didn't even have a chance to fight back! boss we are sad to announce that we have to announce our bankruptcy!"

Long Guan fell

"What did you do? what did you do!"

Qi Xiao smiles charmingly

"Do you think bankruptcy is just the end? you are wrong!"

After that, the police came in bringing a warrant

"Long Guan we are arresting you for tax evasions and illegal exportation"

"No, it is all a lie! Long Shan how dare you! you unfilial son! you will get retribution!"

Qi Xiao cover Long Shan and said

"Unfilial? he is doing this for his mother! this is his revenge for all of you for treating his mother unfairly!"

And she look at Long Guan's kept woman

"And you! You think that this is over?"

After that another group of police came

"Xy Sheng we are arresting you for killing the wife of Long Guan Miss Zhang Daiyu"

"No, I did not! I did not kill anyone! you dont have evidence!"

Qi Xiao raises her eyebrow and comes near her to whisper

"Even if we don't we can produce after all you are Long Guan's kept woman, and that alone is already a piece of evidence! Don't worry your trial will be shown on local television live! you will be famous! are you excited?"

Qi Xiao said while giggling which makes Xy Sheng shiver.

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