Chapter 62:tied up

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She looks away in just a second and informed them

"They are already outside waiting"

The siblings nod, Han Min finally let go of Qi Xiao reluctantly because of the bags of snacks they bought.

When they are out, Long Shan already noticed the peculiarity of Qi Xiao, he only felt it while talking to her on the phone but now he is certain.

He knows it is not the time for interrogation so he just took her hand and leads her away.

Qi Xiao smiles gratefully at Long Shan.

She badly needs to get away from Han Min! Her mind is in a mess!

She sat with Long Shan in the car and decided to lean on him and close her eyes to try to rest her mind!

Han Min squint his eyes while looking at the two of them at the back.

Although he already knew that nothing is going on between them, still, seeing her leaning toward another man felt like a poison in his system corroding him bit by bit.

He breath deeply trying hard to calm himself.

He knows that it is not yet the right time for explanations!

He already waited for almost 2 years! days don't matter anymore!

Just 3 more days and everything will be over! he will have the right to fight for her! he will have the right to apologize and beg for forgiveness.

So, for now, he needs to endure it! endure this torture! he will accept this as his punishment for treating her coldly, ignoring her, and showing up with another girl!

His heart feels like it will bleed remembering how he hurts her.

They did not travel long, the campsite is near so they only take 30 minutes to arrive

Han Yun excitedly look around and said

"This is so wide! scary yet exciting!"

The others laugh at her naivety so she blushed noticing them laughing at her.

"Little Xiao, how many times have you camp in here?"

Qi Xiao knit her eyebrows and answer honestly

"Whenever I and Long Shan have time we will come here! we liked it in here!"

Long Shan nodded and lead her to talk to the guide.

They need a guide because it is only them who knows the desert, if they travel there on their own they will be lost in no time!

Long Shan rent camels for their use of transportation.

After paying up, Long Shan took a long soft rope from his pocket and tie the end to Qi Xiao's hand while the other end is tied in his hand.

The others were baffled and ask

"What is that for?"

Long Shan looks at Curious Han Yun and answer

"I have trust issues in little Xiao when traveling! how many times that she almost got lost in here because of unknown reasons so I decided that every time we come here I will tie her up with me!"

Qi Xiao cough to hide her embarrassment, but seeing Han Yun was still asking she explains

"I got lost in here 3 times! I was lucky that Long Shan can still be able to find me after a few hours! the longest one is 3 hours!it's good that I have water that time so I didn't suffer any dehydration"

The others finally understand, the brothers wanted to take the rope but they are not unreasonable!

Long Shan was the one who is already familiar with the place so they won't demand for it.

Han Min wanted to vomit blood because of jealousy!

His eyes turn red from anger!

He never tried tying his wife by his side at all!

But this yellow weasel already did for how many times now!

He grits his teeth and swore that sooner she will be tied by him!

In marriage certificate and their bed!

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