Chapter 78 :reportes

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But she did not go straight to Han's house and instead goes to the supermarket for some ingredients.

That annoying Han Yun even order her to cook for them!

Because she is feeling guilty to face the Han couple, just will treat this as compensation?

After all, they are like her second parents!

After buying all that she needed she proceed to her car but stop because of 5 people swarming around her car.

Qi Xiao's eyes squint when she saw those familiar faces she smirks evilly and headed straight looking like she didn't notice them at all.

Then she looked up and 'finally' saw them!

She knit her eyebrows and wanted to go forward but the 5 people come to her scrambling!

Qi Xiao 'panicked' and go back to the mall entrance

"Sir help me! they are chasing after me!"

She said to the mall guard so he stopped them.

"sir don't let them in! I will call the police!"

Because it was the mall entrance so a lot of people are watching.

One of the reporters hurriedly explain

"No, we are reporters! we just want to ask something of Miss Qi!"

Qi Xiao is confused

"But I am not a celebrity?"

"Surely Miss Qi is jesting! you are famous don't you know?"

Qi Xiao saw the mocking in the reporters' eyes so she looked around and ask

"Do you know me?"


"How about you?"

"Sorry, I don't?"

"Is anybody around here know me except them?"

Because nobody answers Qi Xiao looked back at the reporter and ask again

"So who is jesting now?"

"Miss Qi please we just want you to answer our question!"

The man said but Qi Xiao just raise her eyebrow and ask

"And who do you think you are? You are all acting like I am a guilty convict that is being interrogated!"

The crowd obviously agreed the man become agitated so he said

"If you are not guilty then why did you run when you saw us?"

Qi Xiao laugh

"Do you think I am stupid? 3 men and 2 women were circling around my car and when they see me they looked at me like prey being hunted. you are all obviously dangerous so why should I stay and not run?"

The crowd laugh making the man blush with embarrassment, he was about to attack but was stopped by the other reporter

"Miss Qi we are just purely curious! you see you are beautiful, rich, and genius! but why keep on hanging on a certain tree?"

Qi Xiao's eyes flash with a light

"You say miss I am beautiful, rich, and genius so why should I hang on a tree that I can choose in an entire forest?"

The reporter didn't get intimidated but continued asking

"If not still hanging then why still seducing your ex-boyfriend?"

Qi Xiao laugh


She asked with full of interest so the reporter continue

"And everybody knows that Mr. Han Min already has a fiancee why still seducing him?"

Qi Xiao cover her lips and wanted to laugh more but stop herself

"And then?"

The crowd is getting more curious, so they listen intently

"Is the moral conduct of the prestigious Qi this low? Is this how your parents taught you?"

At first Qi Xiao was still enjoying the show but when her parents were questioned her momentum changed even the crowd was shocked

"When I left two years ago I sincerely gave them my well wishes, if you want to talk about moral then let me ask you all what is high moral?"

"Of course seducing a man with a fiancee is already considering ruining a marriage!"

The woman said that make Qi Xiao smile coldly

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