Chapter 63:riding a camel together

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Long Shan laughs lowly, he can feel the resentment of a certain person and it's getting stronger and stronger.

Qi Xiao look at him bewildered and so whispered

"I am happy to see someone else's miserable life!"

She doesn't get it but as long as he is happy it's fine!

Han Yun looked at the tied-together camels, feeling excited but

"Why it is only 7?"

If she is not mistaken they are 8 right?

"Qi Xiao will never ride a camel in a desert alone!"

Long Shan's answer makes Qi Xiao smile in embarrassment!

She didn't mean to lose in the desert! It was all accident!

And it was not her fault that every time they visits there will be a small sand storm visiting as well!

So she, a very intelligent person and can learn fast in all aspects has two weaknesses

Han Min and paths!

She took a lifetime to learn that Han Min is not hers anymore and paths that maybe until she dies again she won't improve it!

Long Shan helped Qi Xiao to sit on the camel first and said

"Come on now! Don't worry! I and Xiaoxaio will be riding at your rear"

"No! I can stay at the back!"

Han Min strongly said and add

"I will be fine!"

He doesn't want to remove his wife from his sight! what if this crazy dude made a move on her?

No! he needs to keep an eye on them!

Long Shan laugh

"No can do! I and Xiaoxiao have been here for the nth time! even if little Xiao still doesn't have any idea about this place but I can say that I already have knowledge about this desert so even if we got lost I can still find you guys! so be a good boy and ride in front!"

Mo Ling and Ko Pin pat Han Min's shoulder for him to just follow along.

He agreed but throw a warning glare at Long Shan first before turning his back reluctantly.

"But what about our things?"

Han Yun ask very worried

"Don't worry a truck will deliver it to us!"

Qi Xiao explains

"The cars can travel? why not just ride one?"

Han Yun asked in confusion

"Experience young miss! Experience! This is part of an expedition!if you want to fully enjoy you have to take every step! short cuts are not good!"

Long Shan advised.

Qi Xiao was in deep thought when Long Shan talked.

"So tell me what is the deal?"

He have to tilt his head backward because she was sitting at the back.

She know what he meant so she sigh before answering

"I felt conflicted! my heart is in turmoil and I can't seem to calm down! what should I do?"

Long Shan chuckled hearing the helplessness in her tone

"I think for now let us think about revenge! you see? whatever his intention is don't let him succeed! make him suffer a lot first! Don't let him notice that you are wavering!"

Qi Xiao was in a daze again thinking deeply.

"You mean to ignore him?"

Long Shan laughs at her innocence

"Your 'ex-boyfriend' is the king of shameless! you think that you will succeed?"

Qi Xiao giggle and nod her head agreeing

"So we will do is to intensify our act! make him more jealous! make him suffer until he felt like dying! give him back the things he did to you but make it 10 folds!"

Long Shan whispers to her like a devil.

Qi Xiao is not yet sure about the plan so he continues

"Even if he noticed that we are just pretending but based on what I can see he is such a narrowminded, jealous, self-centered, and prickly guy! What did you ever like about him?"

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