LoreKi AU: "I Miss You Flowers" (V-Day Entry)

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☞LoreKi Fluff AU challenge by @loreleisfx on twitter
✎Day 10—“Bouquet of flowers”
✎TagLish || 600+ words



I stretched my arms and back after I sent my article to my EIC. I become so busy these days that I still have to work in my condo. I skipped my lunch to finished my article first. I took my  mug to drink water but its empty. I stood up and went out of my room then walk straight to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and took the pitcher of water and pour some on my mug.

I heard a door bell right after I drunk, I'm not expecting someone to come or even delivery. Ibinaba ko na ang baso at naglakad papunta sa pinto. Pagbukas ko ay bumungad sa ’kin ang isang delivery man na may hawak na Bouquet. My brows furrowed because of his get up, he's still wearing his helmet kahit na nasa loob naman siya ng condominium. Pero hindi ko na lang pinansin dahil baka tinatamad tanggalin.

"Delivery for Ms. Lorelei Rios" the delivery man said.

Inabot niya sa ’kin ang papel kung saan ako pipirma. I signed it and gave it to him. He handed the flower to me, I look at him suspiciously. Before he walk away, I called him which make him turned to me.

"Pwede mo bang tanggalin ang helmet mo?" utos ko. He shook his head, "Sorry Ma'am mag-de-deliver pa po ako" I smirked. "Tanggalin mo na yan Loki"

He halted for a while then turn his head again at me. He draw close to me then took off his helmet, Loki's face greet me, pawisan na ang noo niya dahil sa helmet. "How did you know its me?" he asked.

"Mukhang kailangan mo pang pagbutihin ang pag-di-disguise mo. Nakalimutan mo na bang girlfriend ako ng isang magaling na detective?" I stated, hindi nakatakas sa akin ang mabilis na pag ngiti ng labi niya. "Oh right! So, what's wrong in my disguised?"

I pointed my finger to his chest, "I smelled your perfume, lagi kitang nakakasama kaya alam ko na ang amoy mo." I pointed to his wrist, "Your wrist watch and bracelet, alam kong sa 'yo yan at napansin ko no' ng iabot mo ang bulaklak and lastly—" I pointed to his feet, "Your shoes, iyan lagi ang suot mo kaya natatandaan ko"

"Oh! You've become more observant now Love" he leaned closer to me and kissed me on my cheek. I swung the door open to let him in, he went inside first then I followed. He took off his vest and sat on the couch.

"Why are you here and why are you giving me flowers?" I asked after sitting next to him. He reclined on his seat, "That's I miss you flower" he said.

I looked at the flowers and smelled it. Almost 3 weeks na rin pala simula no'ng huli naming kita. Lagi rin kasi akong busy pati na rin siya kaya hindi magtapat ang schedule namin. We talked on phone or Video call every night kapag may time pa. I missed him too buti ay sakto ang dating niya dahil wala na akong gagawin.

He suddenly hug me, he buried his face on my neck. "I missed you, can I sleep here?" he whispered. Before I could say yes my stomach grumbled. I heard him chuckle, he leaned back and looked at me.

"I'm still not eating" I reasoned.

"You skipped your lunch again Love, you always scold me when I skipped my meals and now you're doing it" he took his cellphone. "I'll order our food what do you want?" he asked. I smiled and told him the food that I'm craving.


Project LOKI AUs (Compiled)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon