LoreKi AU: "Tables Has Been Turned" (ISR 6)

662 19 6

☞In-a-Secret-Relationship Series Scenario 6
AU Requested by an anonymous sender
✎Genre: Slight fluff, CRINGE
✎TagLish || 2700+ words || Full Version
➜Nevaeh’s Note: You can re-read ISR4 to become familiar of the following scenes here.


Continuation of ISR4...

Lorelei's POV

I woke up earlier than my alarm clock, maybe because I slept early than usual yesterday night. Paanong hindi eh nagkulong na agad ako sa kwarto after ng usapan namin ni Loki.

After I fixed my bed, I went out of my room to wash my face in the bathroom. But before that, I was kinda surprise to see Loki who's already sitting at the couch and sipping his tea.

Himalang mas maaga siyang nagising kaysa sa akin. Hindi ko dapat siya babatiin dahil may tampo pa rin ako sa kaniya pero nagulat akong mas nauna pa siyang bumati sa akin.

"Good morning" he greeted with a slight smile.

Akala niya ba madadaan niya ako sa ganiyan?

I just nodded at him, turned my back and went inside the bathroom. I washed my face then looked at the mirror after wiping my face with a towel.

"Loki's weird today, ginagawa lang ba niya 'yon para makabawi agad?" I whispered to myself.

I just shrugged and went out to prepare a breakfast. But was surprise again when I saw that the breakfast is already served. Even Loki is already sitting and seems like he's just waiting for me.

"Did you prepare this?" I asked and he nodded. "Yes, though I kinda mess the egg and sausage"

Muntik na akong matawa nang makita ang sunny side up na basag na ang yellow part at ang sausage na may ilang sunog na part.

"Bakit ka nagluto? Hindi ka naman marunong, dapat ginising mo na lang ako" I said before sitting in front of him.

Napatingin ako sa kaniya nang bigla siyang tumayo saka lumapit sa akin at umupo sa katabi kong upuan.

"I'm trying to be the boyfriend that can cook for his girlfriend" he stated.

Napaiwas ako ng tingin dahil sobrang lapit niya sa akin. Kinuha ko na lang ang tinapay at inilagay ang sunny side up bilang palaman, naglagay ng kaunting ketchup at mayo saka pinatungan ng isa pang tinapay.

I took a bite, napatigil ako nang mapansing nakatitig pa rin sa akin si Loki.

"Stop staring at me" I said then bite the sandwich again.

I was stunned when he suddenly wiped the corner of my lips using his thumb. "Messy eater" he murmured.

Ibinaba ko ang sandwich sa plato saka uminom ng tubig at matamang tumingin sa kaniya.

"Napaka weird mo ngayon Loki, ano bang nangyayari sa 'yo? Are you doing this because of what happened yesterday?"

He moved forward, ipinatong ang siko sa mesa saka nangalumbaba at tumingin sa akin.

"A part of it is because I want to make it up to you, but also because I miss you"

I pressed my lips together and averted my gaze.

"You were away with me since Semestral break, we've been together for only one day then you went to Cebu. You came back but we still haven't got more time together because of my parents celebration. Sunday came but was interrupted by Linda, same to yesterday. You suddenly became distant to me. When will I have a peaceful time with you Lori?"

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