Mendez Brother AU: "Piece Of Mischief"

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AU requested by an anonymous sender
✎Genre: Comedy attempt
✎TagLish || 3K+ words
✎Take note of the timeline and their age.


Timeline: 8 years old Loki || 9 years old Luthor [Both Elementary students]

"Loki!" Fridgette called to his son who's sitting in the carpet in the living room and busy completing his jigsaw puzzle.

"Yes, Mom?" he replied while still staring at the puzzle.

Fridgette went near his son and placed a two glass of ice tea and two chicken sandwich. "Give the other ice tea and sandwich to your brother, he's not in his room, he might be in the gazebo."

"Mom! Can't you just ask our maid to give it to my brother?" Loki blurted.

Fridgette placed her one hand at his waist, "Loki,  tinuruan ba kitang ipasa sa iba ang inutos ko sa 'yo? Our maid is also busy and I need to go out now. Just give it to your brother okay?"

Loki just nodded to his Mom without looking at it.

"Loki~" Fridgette warned.

Loki looked up and pouted, "Okay, Mom, I'll give that to my brother" He left his puzzle and took the glass of ice tea and the plate with a sandwich. He went straight to the kitchen, before entering, he looked back and made sure that his Mom already left.

He passed by the kitchen backdoor to go to the maze garden. After a while, he arrived at the center of it, at their gazebo. He caught his older brother, Luthor, who's busy reading a book and comfortably sitting at one of the iron chairs.

"Kuya!" he called then placed the glass and plate at the table, "Here's your snack, Mom told me to give it to you."

"Okay" Luthor simply replied which made Loki annoyed because he didn't thank him.

He turned his back and ran not far from his brother and took the camera that he left a while ago. He turned it on and pointed it toward Luthor so he can take a video of his brother.

Loki smirked when Luthor took the glass of ice tea, little did Luthor know that his brother put a soy sauce in it.

Luthor drank a little but immediately spit it out upon tasting it. Loki throw his head back laughing at his brothers reaction.

Luthor heard him and turned his cold gaze at him, "LOKI!" he yelled. Loki ran back at their house while still laughing.


"Loki faster, baka ma-late kayo. Your brother is already waiting at the car" Fridgette said to his son.

Loki did not bother to brush his hair and just took his bag and went out of his room. Fridgette kneeled in one knee to hug his son, Loki hugged her back and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Bye Mom"

"Bye, take care Loki"

Mr. Vasquez their family driver took Loki's bag and led him to the car where Luthor is waiting.

Loki entered in the backseat then fastened his seatbelt. Mr. Vasquez drove off to send them to school.

Loki noticed that his brother is sleeping. An idea popped up in his mind. He took his bag and got a hair wax that he's keeping, his mom gave it to him.

He put a small amount in his hand and came close to his brother who's in deep slumber. He styled his brother hair and separated it in half then rubbed the hair wax in it. He stopped himself from giggling because of the weird hair style that he did in his brother.

Project LOKI AUs (Compiled)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon