LoreKi AU: "Lo KI (2+1)" (V-Day Special Entry)

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☞LoreKi Fluff AU challenge by @loreleisfx on twitter
✎Day 14—“Any Fluff AU”
✎TagLish || 1200+ words
Nevaeh’s Note: If you're my moots on my PL stan twt account, you must already knew that I will take a break for a while in writing AUs. So, basically this will be my last PL AU. I don't know when will I write again, if I have time and idea I'll try. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my lame AUs :)
Ps. I want to send my gratitude to my PLayers friends on PLtwt Community for supporting my AUs, specially to Harriet (@loreleisfx) for the LoreKi challenge.




I used to have a family when I was a child, I may have seen my Mom and be with her for a while but I can’t remember it already since she died when I was at a young age. My father Walter on the other hand, was a busy man. I thought his cold treatment at me was because his business was more important than his daughter, but on his birthday celebration I found out that the real reason.

I felt angry because of my Mom’s infidelity, but despite of it, My Dad, Walter still treated me as his daughter and heir. I want to make it up to him but its too late, I didn’t make it.

That’s why I promised to myself that If I’ll have my own family, I will never let my child experience what I did. I want them to feel the happiness of having a complete family which I didn’t experience. I want them to feel the love that I never felt. And that’s what I’m doing right now.

After taking a bath, I wore my clothes and wrapped my wet hair using a towel. I looked to myself from the mirror. My age may be 37 now but I still maintained to look young, I have Jamie whose always reminding me to be healthy and still beautiful even if we’re aging.

I went out of the bathroom, I saw Loki lazily sitting at the couch in our room, reading the book that I published when we were high school. I’m reading that book earlier and I forgot to keep it, Loki might notice it that’s why he’s reading it now.

Loki may looked older now but he’s still handsome, in fact he looks manly now. Unlike the lazy Loki before, he’s trying to have a healthy lifestyle and try working out.

“Maglinis ka na ng katawan mo” I said to him. I sat in front of the mirror to do my night skin care routine.

“I told you, we should’ve take a shower together to conserve water” he said. I didn’t answer him and continue what I’m doing.

I heard him clicked his tounge and went inside the bathroom. Little did he know, I have something for him, I have a surprise.

After drying my hair, I climbed at the bed and lean my back at the headboard. I continue reading my book. I love reminiscing our high school days, solving case, bonding with the QED club. Good old days.

Loki lie next to me after he dried his hair. “Kamusta ang bago niyong case? I heard Luthor will be the Prosecutor of that case.” I asked

“The evidence was clearly pointed at the accused, I guessed my dear brother will win again.” He stated.

I nodded as I flipped the page of the book. I heard a faint knock on the door. “Come in” I said.

I closed the book and look at the door slowly opening, a little child peeked his head, “Mommy, can I sleep here?” he asked in a tiny voice.

“Of course baby” I said, spreading my arms to let him in. I heard Loki groaned and mumble something but I ignore him.

I helped my son climbed up in our bed, I let him sit between Loki and I. Meet our son Lorenzo Kingsley, Loki suggested his name Loki but he doesn’t want Louis that’s why we change it to Lorenzo. We call him Enzo or Loki, he’s now 5 years old and he’s so adorable.

“Are you still afraid in your room baby?” I asked him while brushing his hair. He hugged my waist along with his panda plushie. “Yes mommy, but I’m not scared because of ghost, because daddy said they’re not real and I don’t believe in them.”

Loki ruffled his son’s hair, “That’s my boy” he chuckled a little.

“Then why are you scared?” I asked again, he looked up at me and hugged me tighter. “I just don’t want the feeling of being alone Mom. I want to hug you when I sleep.”

I smiled, “Aww, why my son is so sweet?” I hugged him and showered him with kisses which made him giggled. “Where’s my kiss too?” Loki suddenly spoke.

I jokingly rolled my eyes at him, he scoffed and crossed his arms which made me laugh. I heard another knock from the door, “Come in”

The door swung open and a little girl showed up, “Can I sleep here too Mommy?” I nodded and let her in. “My girl is here” Loki said. She immediately run to our bed and climbed on it, she laid down between Loki and I but she prefer laying beside her dad.

Meet Kienna Lorraine, the twin of Enzo. They’re not identical twins and their personality were opposite. Enzo is a Mama’s boy and his traits are like me, unlike Kienna whose like his father. Parehas silang iba ang perspective sa buhay parang mature na siya agad dahil sa pag-iisip niya nahawa na yata sa tatay niya, Papa’s girl siya at masiyadong makilatis, she also like her Tito Luthor. Ano kayang tinuturo ni Luthor sa anak ko kapag iniiwan namin sila sa kaniya?

Habang tinitingnan ang mag-Ama ko ay bigla akong may naalala. “You already met Alliana right?” I asked Enzo and Kienna.

“Yes Mommy, she’s so cute and small” Enzo answered happily. Alliana was Jamie and Alistair new born baby. We met their baby when we visited them last Saturday.

“If Alliana is your sister, will you like her?” I added. Loki suddenly get up and looked at me with his brow furrowed. “I will like her because she’s my sibling and we should love them right Mommy?” Kienna spoke, I nodded at her and smiled.

I get up and turned to the cabinet and opened it. I took a small paper from it. I didn’t say anything and just gave it directly to Loki.

His lips parted while staring at the paper. “Are you? Really?” he asked, still wonder-stricken.

“What is that Mommy?” Kienna asked.

“That’s an ultrasound baby, it means we will have a baby” I announced.

“Really Mommy?” Enzo asked excitedly, “Yes baby, you will be a big brother now”

“Yehey!!!” tumayo si Enzo at tuwang-tuwang tumalon-talon sa kama. Loki was speechless and still looking at the picture.

I smiled while looking at my husband and my twins, they look so happy and I am happy. I’m happy and blessed that I have them in my life. My childhood family might not be that happy but my own family will be.

The end.


Added note: Dalawa lang dapat magiging anak ng LoreKi dito pero I asked my fellow LoreKi shippers and made them choose from 1-4 and majority chose 3. Kaya nagkaroon ng kambal. By the way you can interact with them on PLtwt, mababait yang mga alaga ko chz.

Project LOKI AUs (Compiled)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon