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"You'd be in tears if you...could my mind.." Fiona whispered to herself.


That's when Fiona snapped back to reality, feeling a gentle hand on her shoulders. She realized it was her Tita Liza. Liza looked into her eyes, seeing the pain within, but Fiona managed to force a smile. Liza knew she was trying to hide her pain.

"Are you okay, nang?" Liza asked sweetly. Fiona nodded, taking Liza's hand in hers.

"Honestly, Tita, I'm trying to be okay.," Fiona assured her. Liza let out a sigh.

"Why don't you join your cousins, babe? I'm sure they miss you. No classes tomorrow, makakapag bond kayong magpipinsan ulit," Liza suggested.

"Join them, mukhang masaya ang pinag-uusapan nila; I'll be there with the seniors before we eat our meals," Fiona nodded her head.

Fiona approached her cousins, their laughter filling her ears as she got closer. She greeted them, but received no response.

"Clara, anong pinag-uusapan niyo? can I join?" Fiona asked her twin, but they continued laughing as if they didn't hear or see her.

"You know what? Mommy even felt jealous of Mrs. Ramirez and daddy's closeness. Wala, ang cute lang ni mommy magselos," Clara said, and they laughed.

Although Fiona had no idea what they were talking about, she managed to force a laugh. Zia, who happened to be nearby and noticed her, simply rolled her eyes.

"By the way, Clara, what happened in Cali?" Fiona tried again, but Zia interrupted her.

"Guys, I think we should celebrate Callista, our representative in the Math Quiz Bee on Monday!" Zia exclaimed. Their eyes widened, and they congratulated Callista in advance.

"Best of luck, Calli," Fiona said, but she didn't receive a warm response from Callista, who hadn't heard her.

Fiona tried her best to join in, but she felt out of place and as if she didn't belong with her cousins.

"Let's go swimming tomorrow. I'll take care of the junk food. It's cousin bonding time. Callista and I will sleep in your room tonight, Clara, so we can wake up together tomorrow," Zia exclaimed with excitement. Fiona smiled upon hearing that she would be able to sleep alongside Callista and Zia.

"I think the three of us will fit on the bed, right?" Clara asked.

Fiona's smile faded away. She had had enough. She made an excuse to leave, knowing they would just ignore it. She hurried upstairs, entered her room, and locked the door. Imee noticed her.

Even though they were in the middle of their conversation, Imee tried to excuse herself and quickly followed her niece. She let out a deep sigh before attempting to turn the doorknob, but it was locked.

"Fionabella? Fiona?" Imee called out.

She received no response. Concerned, she worried that something might have happened inside.

"Fiona, it's Tita Imee. Open the door, darling," Imee pleaded.

Fiona burst through the door and hugged her tightly. Imee noticed her puffy eyes. She must have been crying.

"What happened, baby? Anong nangyari?" Imee asked, gently cupping Fiona's face.

Even through her tears, Imee felt like she could see Irene in Fiona. She rubbed her back, comforting her as she continued to cry.

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