Just Pretend

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"Good then. Never mind ugh...i need to leave and you need sleep. See you in a week and...yeah...it's gonna be weird" his voice faded a little

"Goodnight" she said

"Goodnight" he told her and slowly made his way out of the room and then out of the house. He sighed and got in the car. As soon as he sat in driver's seat, he let his head fall back and closed his eyes. Knowing it even for about week, now it's even worse. Watching her being completely shit like this, just shattered his heart, even if normally he would laugh with it. Now it's different. They are both captured in the same situation, in the same cage. They never agreed for anything like that, but they just put them in it. Their fathers. Fuck, he whispers and sighs again. Just for a few months, just for a few months and then...you'll be free again to fuck whichever woman exists...yeah, yeah that's it. It's an arrangement marriage just for a little. Alright... He breathed in and then started the car's engine.

Soon, he was driving fast on the road in an attempt to burst out his feelings and the weight he has on his chest. He's doing such a colossal sacrifice for his father and his company. Now, it's too late to change that. He can do absolutely nothing, neither to his father nor to Scott.


The next few days, Taylor and Joe were meeting up constantly to plan everything on the marriage with the help of their mothers of course.

Yesterday, Taylor purchased her wedding dress which was really beautiful but...she wasn't happy and her mother saw that. She wanted to pick the perfect dress for the man of her life and now everything is completely wrong. Joe doesn't deserve her with that dress on. He's not her soulmate.
As she was watching herself in the mirror she felt tears threatening to fall but she did her best to hold them back. And she managed it.
She held them back to let them stream down her face that night. The last night of her being single, free because tomorrow...she's getting married to a person she doesn't have a single feeling for. It's cruel. It's awful.


She holds her father's arm tight and before they walk on the aisle, she gives him a look full of hate, rage, being completely furious with him. It's too late now. Nothing can change what's about to happen. She can't escape. The irony bars are keeping her trapped inside that prison. She can't leave.

"I hate you!" she whispered at him

"I'm sorry Taylor...it's for your own and company's good" he said

"I don't give a shit about the company at this point! This is my life and you're ruining it! "

"Whether you like it or not, you're getting married with him for a while, or else you'll lose everything!"

"I thought you loved me dad! And now...this !? When I find the person who's right for me, you won't ever get to meet him or even touch our future kids! I hate yo-" the music interrupted her and she started walking with her dad next to her.

Her eyes met Joe's and she felt everything getting worse and worse. He's gorgeous in that suit, sure, but he's not for her. There's no trace of love or hate. She's empty and they both got trapped in this.

Soon she was close to him and they were holding hands. The pretend had just started. They had to share fake vows, fake rings, fake feelings, fake smiles and then...they slowly they leaned in and shared a fake kiss. When they pulled back they exchanged uncomfortable and painful smiles once again. Then, they started jogging out of crowd and got into a car to drive home. They couldn't attend the rest part of it, so as an excuse, they exclaimed that they were both really exhausted.


Getting into their new house, Taylor broke down and threw herself onto the couch. Joe, closed the door behind him and watched her crying like a baby. He sat next to her with his face looking down on the floor. He patted her back and massaged her nape.

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