Was The Truth

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A couple of hours later, Joe found his eyes fluttering open. They wandered around the room weakly just to notice that he was still in the hospital. Taylor had her head leaned above him, her eyes shut. His sight was blurry, but he could tell it was her. Her hand was placed right above his, keeping it warm. Forcefully, he moved his thumb stroking her soft skin.

Instantly she gasped and looked at him. "Hey, are you okay?" she tried to act as calm as possible.

"Mhmm" he nodded "You... Look... Pretty!" anesthesia had hit him hard.

Taylor couldn't help but laugh at his statement. "And so you are honey". She stared deep into his eyes. His eye pupils were moving spasmodically. "You are adorable" she whispered placing her hand on his cheek.

A long gasp left his lips as if he was in shock...

She raised an eyebrow in response "Are you okay baby?", but Joe gasped again.

"My heart is melting!" he shouted a bit gaining Taylor's laughter again.

"I think you should try get some sleep honey" she suggested.


"It's like I'm babysitting a 3 year old" she rolled her eyes.


"Mostly like your wife"

His eyes turned into hearts "Wiiiiife" he smiled widely.

"Yeah yeah" she placed a kiss on his cheek. "Listen to me. Try to relax and I'll be right here okay?"

He nodded and she patted his head "Good boy". Soon he was sleeping again.


Hours later, again, he was finally awake. His blue eyes were staring out of the hospital window. Joe was lost inside his thoughts. He needed a cigarette asap. It was hard to believe that they were after Taylor all these days. His brain was playing in repeat her shocked face after he shot that guy right in the head...
You fucked it up again joe...again... How am i gonna win her trust again? Fuck...

Taylor had gone out to get a coffee for herself. To be honest she needed to sleep terribly much but of course she couldn't. All that she wanted was to stay awake for Joe. He was her top priority at the moment. She needed him healthy and safe. As long as bullet was removed she felt relieved.

While holding the coffee in her right hand tightly, she headed back to the room they had Joe in. In the meantime she couldn't get out of her head those guys, Joe shooting having the perfect aim, blood, guns , it was out of normal. It was too much to take in too. She needed to have that conversation with Joe but he wouldn't open up this easily and she knew it. Who are you really Joe Alwyn...

Her hand pulled down the knob opening the door just enough for her to enter the room. His face stayed focused on the outside. It was as if he eyes were trying to examine each building, each little tree. He had gone all cold again. Even when she shut the door, he didn't flinch at all.

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