Chapter 1 - The red head.

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I arrive in the nightclub and look around, I've been in here a few times before but notice a Red head behind the bar in a tight white dress. I thought I knew all the bartenders here by now, I make my way over to the bar.

I perch on a seat in front of her, waiting for her to look at me I smile "You must be new, I haven't seen you here before. My name is Y/N"

Her eyes instantly connect with my cleavage slowly rising to my face making eye contact she smirks, "I actually just got sick of waiting to be served, so I'm helping myself...I'm Natasha, want one?" She reaches for another glass.

"Sure" I watch as she starts mixing a variety of alcohols together "You don't take me as someone who has to wait around for anything Natasha."

She lets out a laugh, "Oh you'd be surprised but this is now compliments of the bar so it works in our favour" pouring the red liquid into a cocktail glass she slides it to me.

Taking a slip I hum enjoying the flavour, I place the drink down and lean forward on the bar. "So tell me Natasha, what would I have to do to get a women like yours number?" I tilt my head to the side and slowly run my tongue over my bottom lip she just watches, smiling she nods her head.

"Smooth, does that usually work for you?" she raises her eyebrow while taking a sip.

I look down and frown, looking back into her emerald green eyes "Honestly, I don't usually do this but something is telling me we were meant to meet." I watch as she tilts her head a wave of different emotions showing on her face at once.

"There is definitely something isn't there" She says rather quiet, "Fine" She pulls a napkin from the side of the bar and finds a pen, she scribbles her number on it and slides it over to me keeping her head down I slide my hand over to hers covering the napkin and she pulls away when my fingers graze hers.

I find myself trying to figure her out, she is trying not to make eye contact with me then all of the sudden she's smirking. "I'm walking away now. Try not look at my ass as I do."

My mouth falls open as I watch her pick up her drink and walk away before I can even reply I laugh shaking my head. I'm sure she's swaying that ass a little extra than needed, not that I'm complaining.

I see a man walk up beside her, he's dressed in an older style, light brown hair neatly combed back clean shaved. She smiles at him, I see him nod his head towards me smiling, they are definitely talking about me. She dips her head, is she blushing? He clearly said something because she hits his arm.

I shake my head, taking a deep breath I walk over to them.

The man clearly notices me and smiles upon my approach, making Natasha turn to me.

"Y/N back so soon?" she is clearly trying to hide her smile.

I'm feeling brave, what did she put in that drink? I put my hand out, "Can I interest you in a dance Natasha?"

Turning to the man behind her she says "Looks like my night just got interesting, see you later Cap" turning back to me she slides her hands in mine, "I'd love to dance with you Y/N."

Making our way to the dance floor I lead the way, the music is loud and the dance floor is booming. Everyone is close together, I let go of Natasha's hand and slide it onto her hip pulling her closer, our faces inches apart we start to sway.
The heat between us is starting to build, our breath is mixing together as we blend into each other. I lean in slightly closer to close the gap as her hand grabs my jaw tilting my head away, she turns around and starts grinding her ass on me to the beat of the music.

My hands are gliding up and down her body, I whisper in her ear "How are you this damn hot?"

Letting out a laugh she tilts her head back sliding one hand behind her on to the back of my neck through my hair pulling my closer. "I could say the same thing about you."

My hands are exploring her body, I start kissing her neck from behind which makes her moan and her nails to dig into the back of my head, her other hand on top of one of mine guiding it around her toned body.

After what feels like forever stuck in a moment of bliss, Natasha walks over to the bar to get us both drinks. I watch her leaning over the bar talking to the barman. Her ass is sticking out, her tight white dress perfectly covering the seem holding on for dear life. I make my way over to her, her seeing me in the corner of her eye before I can even fully reach her. I slide my hand over the base of her back my eyes solely on her.

"What took you so long?"

"I was just admiring the view." I whisper in her ear.

She looks at me biting her lip after a moment she says "Take me home."

"As you wish"


The uber arrives outside a massive building, "I'm pretty sure I know this place..." I say to Natasha who is leading me into the building.

She laughs and pulls me into an elevator by my hand, pressing a button as we walked in. She turns to face me a big smile appears on her face.

I smile back "Are you o-"

She crashes our lips together, it's eager, hungry even. I instantly grant her access her tongue sliding in my mouth. I push her up against the lift wall I capture her moan in my mouth.
Her hands in my hair as I grab at her waist, I slide my hand down to the hem of her dress ripping it up so I can get closer to her, lifting her leg I grind on her against the wall.
She bites down on my bottom lip I let out a hiss of pain which just encourages her more sucking it into her mouth to ease the sting, her eyes are dark. I pull away from the kiss and start nibbling and sucking at her jaw and neck, grabbing her ass as I grind on her harder.


She pushes me back, breaking our kiss our breathing heavy. "This is my floor"

I look at her frowning "What?"

"Come on"

Oh right we we're in an elevator...

Leading me down a hallway I pull her back to me kissing her again, we make out way down pushing each other against the walls trying to fight for dominance. She pushes me against a door I instantly turn us around slamming her against it, she spins around unlocking the door but not opening it, I grab her pressing her back against the door, getting into a similar position from moments ago in the elevator.

Breaking the kiss Natasha attempts to speak while moaning quietly as I'm kissing her neck. "You're not coming in" I kiss her lips again and hum in-between peppered kisses. "You want me?" She asks leaning me back slightly.

"God, yes. I think you want me just as much as I want you Natasha..."

"Then you have to earn me" Her voice is low and husky kissing you once more.

I moan into the kiss putting our foreheads together to break it once more. Smiling "Challenge accepted"
connecting your lips once more "You are definitely worth the wait."

"Oh I really am." She pulls my hair making my head go back exposing my neck and starts placing kisses, biting and sucking. My eyes go wide and I bite down on my lip to try and muffle the moan.

"Dammit Natasha, you do not play fair" my breathing is fast and heavy.

I hear the click of the door handle going down and she steps into her room placing her hand on my abs in order to keep me where I am. She leans forward just enough that she's still just out of reach. "Who said anything about playing fair?" She smiles "Goodnight Y/N" she closes the door.

I put my hands either side of the door frame and lean on them for a moment. Laughing I run my hand through my hair and walk back down the corridor.


A/N- Let me know what you thought of this. I have done videos to kind of match up to these on tiktok check them out @cheekymcupov (They are further a head of this story though so if you don't want spoilers don't watch them- The juicy stuff will be on wattpad ;) )

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