Chapter 4- First Training session

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Natashas POV-

I make my way outside seeing Steve leaning against a tree watching the S.H.I.E.L.D recruits training.

"Any good ones this year?" I say he jumps a little looking over his shoulder at me.

"Yes, some of them stand out. That one over there" he points with his finger "he's good, he is definitely going to be a good leader." 

I hum at him in agreement, we just stand there in comfortable silence for a few minutes.

A whistle goes and all recruits run in and drop to the floor getting water and a much needed break.

Steve turns to me "We've not really had chance to catch up since the meeting. Have you had chance to speak to Y/N?"

I shrug my shoulders a little "Briefly..."

He lifts his eyebrow at me as if he wants me to continue.

"She had no idea that she was going to be put on the team, she actually found out after us."

He lets out a laugh "That's not what I meant and you know it..."

Couldn't let that go huh? "I have absolutely no idea what you're on about Rogers" I look back towards the recruits who are starting another training session.

"Ohh! So we're not going to talk about the whole you two getting drunk, grinding on and undressing each other with your eyes all night at the it"

"That's not all we did" my voice is a whisper, it was meant to be a thought that escaped.

I face him again speaking normally this time "no, we're not going to talk about any of that" I smile.

He mouth falls open "Did you just say 'that's not all you did'?" 

Of course he heard that. I roll my eyes at him.

"Oh my Go- Natasha...did you and Y/N sleep together the night of the party?"

"I didn't say that you must be hearing things old man and no we didn't sleep together..." I try and say with a firm tone.

"Natasha Romanoff, did you and Y/N sleep together?" I fold my arms up and look at him "come on, we tell each other everything!" He pouts a little.

It would be nice to have someone to talk to this about I suppose. After a few minuets and cap lightly jumping up and down because he's eager to find out the gossip.

"We didn't sleep together" my voice is softer than I intended, I look at him "I kissed her, I kissed Y/N...hard. We didn't sleep together that night but it could of easily gone there, we both wanted it too."

He knots his eyebrows together "Why didn't you then?"

"I don't know, I wanted to see where things would go between us, I wanted it to mean more than just a one night stand ya' know?" I take a second "then she walked into that bloody meeting..." I lean my head back and take a deep breath.

"You like Y/N, you really like Y/N. I don't think I've ever seen you speak about anyone like really care for her."

I shake my head "I don't understand it, Y/N she's different. It was like we were just connected straight away...I - I really thought something might of come from it." I let out a little defeated huff.

"Why can't something come from it?"

I tilt my head at him scowling at him "You know we're not allowed to see anyone on the team." I put my fingers up and quote "it's unprofessional and the rules do not permit it" doing my best deep voice.

A turn of events - (Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now