Chapter 6- Going with the flow

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Y/N's POV-

I'm in my room reading when Natasha just struts in without knocking making me jump.

"Please come in..." I state rather sassy. 

She makes her way over to the bed and sits down near my feet "I did..."

"I can see that" I smile at her shaking my head.

"Are you ready to make the best lunch for everyone?" She taps my leg

"We're really doing that?" Concern clear on my face.

"Err yes."

"You are really competitive aren't you? You know I am a really bad cook right?" I sit up in the bed.

"Don't worry about it, We've got this. Now come on." She gets up waiting for me to follow.

I roll my eyes playfully getting up I follow her into the kitchen, even though she is acting confident I can tell she's nervous, I've never seen this side of her before.

Arriving in the kitchen Tony walks in.

"I've heard you two are both doing lunch today, try not to poison us." He laughs looking over at Natasha getting pots out "What are you cooking anyway?" Raising his eyebrow trying to figure it out.

Natasha rolls her eyes "You can wait and see, now go away Tony."

He puts his hands up "Ok, ok...I'm gone but seriously don't poison us, Nat"

"Don't tempt me Tony..." She quips back as he's walking away.

She turns to me "Get me these ingredients out please" she pulls out multiple pieces of paper out of her pocket opening them up until she finds the right one and passes me the paper.

I tilt my head but refrain from saying anything, I head towards the fridge on a scavenger hunt.

When I locate an items I place them on the side next to it while Natasha is still getting different pans out.

"Hey Natasha" She stops for a moment looking at me "I notice everyone else calls you Nat, can I do that too?" I ask genuinely wondering if we were at that stage yet.

She is trying to open a sauce jar, "If that's what you want to do Y/N you can" She starts to grunt a little unable to loosen the cap, she looks at me as I watch her struggle for a second huffing, she passes it over to me "Can help me with this" her voice is quiet refusing to admit defeat.

I take the the jar out of her hands and open it with ease.

She frowns at me "I loosened it." she snaps it back abruptly.

I smile at her "I'm sure you did" she squints her eyes at me.

"What are we cooking anyway?" I ask hoping to stop her glare.

"Just don't ask questions, I know what I'm doing."  She starts putting the potion together, constantly taking out different pieces of paper from her pocket then going back to it.

I'm pretty sure she doesn't realise that I see every time she does it, making sure I'm looking away or fetching her something when she does.

After a while and a lot of pots later she finally talks.

"Ok, so now it should be done. We just have to taste test." She stands there proudly.

She passes me a spoon and takes one for herself, we both lean over the pot and put the red juices into our mouths.

My eyes go instantly wide, I look towards Natasha who's face begins to scrunch up. She instantly runs up to the sink spitting it out running the water in her mouth. I grab a tissue and spit mine into it while coughing.

A turn of events - (Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now