Chapter 2- Job offer

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I look at myself in the mirror, I decide that if I'm going to be fired today I might as well look professional and hot as fuck while I do. I went for the a black power suit and white shirt that is buttoned down showing my cleavage a little with some heels.

I make my way to the address sent to my email this morning from some big shot demanding I come in for a meeting.

"Fuck..." as soon as I arrive outside of the building I recognise it as the one from last night, for some reason it looks bigger during the day.

After speaking to the receptionist, he has security lead me upstairs, outside a meeting room I am told to wait until I'm called in. The security guard stands opposite me hands behind his back looking at the wall I'm leaning against.

"Not much of a talker huh?"  I bounce back and forth on my toes.

I can hear muffled talking in the room behind me. I start slapping my hand against my thigh to a beat in my head.

The guard suddenly makes his voice heard "Stop that."

I smirk, "what this?" I continue tapping against my thigh humming along.
He rolls his eyes at me.

A few more moments pass "You can go in now." His voice breaking me out of my jam.

I look between him and the door, nodding to him I walk in.

I look at the group of people around the table and my eyes instantly lock with the red heads both our eyes going wide Natasha.

"This is Agent Y/L/N she will be joining the Avengers, effective immediately."

My head snaps towards the old guy speaking beside me. Well that's news to me.

I see the guy from last night lean forward and get Natasha's attention, "Isn't that your friend from last night did you know about this?" he isn't exactly quiet about the question.

She tilts her head towards him, I couldn't make out what she said but she quickly turns her eyes back to me frowning.

Another guy speaks up from the back, he's in some fancy suit "No offence but we don't need anymore Avengers."

The man on the opposite side of Natasha cuts in straight after "Yeh, you would just be putting Agent Y/L/N in danger, they wouldn't benefit from being in the Avengers"

The man from last night then pipes up "Wouldn't they be better situated as a S.H.I.E.L.D Agent?"

You roll your eyes and continue to stand there awkwardly looking anywhere other than at Natasha who is still staring at you not inputting at all.

"This isn't up for discussion. Agent Y/L/N is joining the team, you will train her and she will be attending missions with you. She will be an essential member of the team."

Suit man speaks up again "Train her, do we look like training ground?"

"Actually Mr Stark, I believe that Agent Romanoff and Wanda would be best suited to train Agent Y/L/N." so suit guy is called Mr Stark, got it.

The female voice pipes up "Me?" You must be Wanda.

"You see, Agent Y/L/N has powers similar to yours Wanda" He looks at her, "as well as fighting skills/ experiences that can easily match Natashas and yours Captain" The guy from last night nods. Captain? Who would have the name Captain? Weird but ok.

"Yo-you have powers?" Natashas voice is confused yet soft, quieter than she was probably expecting like I was the only one who was meant to hear it.

Looking at her properly for the first time since I walked into this room I nod lightly "Yes..." my voice betrays me it comes out timid but I don't break eye contact.

A turn of events - (Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now