Chapter 19: Where is she?

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*Natasha POV*

My eyes start to flutter open, trying to adjust to the brightness of the room I am in, I can hear a constant beeping beside me. I jolt as someone grabs my hand making my eyes shoot open, I frown at the man in the white coat, who keeps looking between me and the beeping monitor.

"Hello Miss Romanoff. It's good to see you awake, I will inform the others and send them in." he places my hand down smiling and wonders out the room.

I look around trying to figure out my surroundings, when I attempt to sit up my whole body flinches in pain making me groan so I decide to stay very very still. Using my right hand I glide it over the needle in the back of my left, following the wire to a bag of fluid hanging to the side of me.

"Hey there sleepy head" a voice pulls me out looking over to the door I see Steve leaning against the frame smiling "it's nice to have you back in the land of the living." He puts his head down then walks over tot he side of the bed pulling out a chair to sit next to me. "You had us scared for a while there."

"Wha-" my throat it dry and rough I cough to try and clear my throat "What happened?" I rusk out, Steves face drops.

"There's no easy way to say this." He takes a deep breath, placing his hand on top of mine as he prepares himself "Nat you've been in a Coma for 4 weeks... there was multiple explosions, it took out half of the area. You were trapped under a lot of rubble, it took us nearly 2 days to get you out." He stops for a second thinking back to it, "Once we finally did get you out... you had taken so much damage that the only option was to put you in an induced coma for the swelling on your brain to go down."

Shaking my head trying to remember everything, she was there she was sat in front of me. "Y/n? Where's Y/n?" I search his eyes full of sadness he can only take that for a moment before he looks away. My throat feeling like blades are going through it each time I speak "Steve, Where's y/n? She was with me, she was there, where is she?!" I try to raise my voice at no prevail.

Steve hesitates "We- We errm. We thought she was trapped too. We looked everywhere Natasha..." he squeezes my hand "After a Few days there was still no luck. Tony Created an item that could search through the wreckage, we found a lot of people but not Y/n." he chokes a little as he remembers what they had to do. "There were some cameras around the area, they took a lot of damage but Tony being Tony was able to save some of the footage, it was about 2 weeks after the explosion. We found out that Y/n got out. Well...taken out by people in SWAT gear." He nods "We believe the explosions were a distraction in order to get Y/n, we don't know who they are yet, all we know is that Y/n was taking out of the rubble by them and driven off in a Blacked out SUV"

A sob breaks from my lips, She's out there all alone. "Was she alive when they pulled her out? where is she?" So many questions running through my head.

"As far as we can tell, we think she was alive when they pulled her out, she didn't look in good shape though but right now, we don't know where she is." he squeezes my hand again.

Tears start flowing down her face, "She was right in front of me Steve. How could I let this happen?"

"It's not your fault Nat, it's no ones fault." he tries to reassure me.

"I didn't, I didn't answer her question... This can't be happening." I shake my head in denial trying to wish it all away. "I have to find her, I need to know she's ok." I look at Steve, tears freely falling. "My phone I need my phone."

"She's not going to Answer Nat, We've had no contact from her."

This cannot be happening. "Get me my phone Steve!" I try to shout.

A turn of events - (Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now