Chapter 17 - The aftermath

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Since the events of Comic con I have been hiding out in my room, I'm pretty sure its been just over a week. Wanda keeps dropping food off outside my door, sometimes I will take it other times I just leave it.

This week has been one of the hardest weeks I have had to deal with, my powers are all over the place every time I think I have them under control I think back to what I did with Wanda, the pain on Natashas face all the things that happened and were said at comic con, it just keeps running through my head on a loop. My emotions everywhere.
This is the safest way for everyone and the only way I can ensure to stay out of Natashas way as she requested.


Looking at myself in the mirror, I am paler than usual, looking more ragged trying to keep everything contained is just purely exhausting. I finally pop open my contact lenses and position them in my eyes, even though I am not seeing anyone, they provide me a comfort that a need right now, a form of normality. My eyes are covered hiding the truth underneath a darking, normal looking green staring back at me.

Suddenly taking notice that I can hear the TV on in my room which I know was off when I walked in here, I slowly peek my head through the door seeing Wanda sat on my her knees tucked up as she laughs slightly at the show before her.
Reaching for the remote which is on the until beside me, I flick the TV off she doesn't acknowledge me doing so, just stays facing the now black screen.

"Wanda, What are you doing here?" my voice sounding weird from not speaking for the last week.

"You've been avoiding everyone Y/n. I wanted to check you were ok." she slowly turns her self on the bed to face me "So, are you ok?"

"I'm absolutely chipper" I laugh. "How did you even get in here? I locked my door." I state frowning at the door that is still closed.

Listing her hand making red spark through her fingers, "Powers remember..." she confesses.

"Of course you used your powers" I roll my eyes crossing my arms across my front "YOu know breaking and entering is illegal right?"

Her mouth drops open slightly "Firstly I did not break anything and secondly I had to because you've been refusing to answer the door."

I shrug, "Maybe theres a reason for that...I don't want visitors"

"Have you spoken to her since?"

I feel the tingling of my powers starting to rise, I close my eyes and start taking deeps breaths to steady myself.

"Y/n what's going on are you ok?" concern clear on her voice as she watches the change before her.

Through clenched teeth I anwer her "It's my powers, I'm struggling to keep them in line... It's not safe for me to come out of this room right now Wanda, and it's not safe for you to be in here. You should leave."

"I'm not going anywhere." She taps the bed "Come sit with me please."

I instantly shake my head "That's not a good idea, I don't want to hurt you and I know I can't control them."

She softly smiles "You're not going to hurt me Y/n, please come sit with me. You can trust me."

"But I can't trust myself." I admit.

A turn of events - (Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now