Chapter 12 - Caught in the act.

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A/N- This one carried straight on from the last one. Again this hasn't been checked over, I will get round to it I promise. Also thank you for being so patient with me and my stories, if that's on here or  tiktok. I appreciate every single one of you. ♥️

I would love to hear your views on this so far ☺️


Natashas hands make their way from my waist to my collar, pulling us in slowly our lips connect.

Our bodies are pressed together, my hands on her waist trying to pull the red head impossibly closer. The kiss is slow, soft and real, we're just taking our time. Our lips slowly merging together, I could easily get lost in this moment forever.

Her hands glide from my collar to my hair, gently leading us to deepen the kiss. Her tongue begs for entry, which I grant instantly. Her grip in my hair tightens intensifying our embrace our tongues battling for dominance.

The once soft kiss is quickly escalating to eagerness and thirst. Sliding my hands down to her ass I cup her offensively covered cheeks lifting her up, placing her on the unit we are pressed against. Naturally her legs knot around my waist, using her power to tug me closer, making sure my body was in a position to be use for the much needed friction she is pleading for.

Breathlessness and moans start to fill the air around us, Natasha has got herself in a erratic rhythm her body crying out for more.

Who am I to deny that?

I start pulling at her clothes tearing the top part of her shirt open. Disconnecting our lips  I start making my way to her pulse point; biting, sucking, licking. Unable to stop myself from moaning at the noises escaping her mouth.

Breaking away yet again, "Natasha." I raise my eyebrow looking down at her trousers asking permission.

"Don't ask, just do." She orders crashing our lips together once more.

She's fiddling with the buttons on my shirt needing to feel our bodies closer together. Using one of my hands I grab her by the hair, yanking her head back revealing her neck to be so I can start my attack on her neck once more, my other hand hurrying to open her trousers.

Using my hand in her hair I lift her up tugging her trousers down with the other to give me better access, Natashas head falls back her eyes closed giving in to the power fight we were having. Sliding my hand in between our needing bodies.

"Glad to see you two are getting along" A deep voice interrupts us, after clearly his throat.

"Fuck" "Shit." We say at the same time riping apart from each other, covering ourselves up wondering why neither of us heard the door opening. I instantly feel the heat smack me right in the face like a brick wall we are both looking anywhere but Fury right now.

"Don't worry, I'm here bearing good new." He adds completely unfazed by what he just walked in on.

"I'm not worried about that." I hear Natasha snap quietly while trying to discreetly do up her trousers and correct her hair.

"What is it?" She replies clearly trying to remember how to speak.

"There was a lot of drama on the mission I sent some of you on. It's cause a lot of commotion..."

We both stay quiet and nod.

"The fighting and y/n stopping the explosion as well as you" he gives me a pointed look "Smashing one of the paparazzi's phone."

A turn of events - (Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now