Chapter 15 - Girls Night

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*Continues on from the last one*

Y/N's POV:-

As any classic girls night we decided to start pre-drinking in my room blasting music as we got ready, luckily Wanda and I both already know what we were going to wear seen as we ransacked our wardrobes the other day. I decide to wear a very short, tight fitting black dress showing off all my assets and Wanda decided to match my vibe going with a tight, low cleavage deep red dress that really makes her eyes pop.

Already feeling a light buzz, we decide it's probably the safest bet to get food first we head to the closest all you can eat restaurant with stunning selection of food which I absolutely devour instantly, all the while drinking even more.

We had one deal, no Natasha talk all night, just us which honestly is exactly what I needed right now.

When we finally tumble out of the restaurant Wanda is holding on to my arm as we use each other for balance, heels and alcohol is never a good mix yet here we are.

"To the nightclub!" Wanda shouts putting her arm up in the direction of the club with me sloppily following her movements.

After walking a few minuets we find our chosen club, the que outside is huge and we are not about to line up in it, surely being an Avenger should get you through the doors quicker?

"Go along with what ever I do" she says as we approach the security door man trying to look sober, Wanda stands behind me wrapping her arms around my waist making me tilt my head slightly so she can rest her head on my shoulder while fluttering her eyes at the man "Any chance we can sneak in?" She shouts over the booming music we can hear.

He slowly looks us up and down knowing he recognises us from somewhere, Leaning in closer she starts placing little kisses on the side of my neck and sucking the bottom of my ear into her mouth as she moans loud enough for him to hear, I feel goosebumps appear all over my body my breath hitches for just a second.

That is all that was needed before he was lifting the rope inviting us into the club. I am slightly frozen in place before Wanda pushes me forward snapping me out of whatever just happened. As we walk in, there are strobe lights everywhere, the beat of the music vibrating through the floor.

Hooking my hand with hers she leads me to the bar and shouts over our order to the barman before turning to face me. "Did you see that guys face when I kissed your neck?" she laughs

"I would like to say yes but I was very, very much distracted with your lips and teeth on my neck" I say back still a little in shock.

She nudges into me "It got us in didn't it?" She smirks grabbing the drinks the barman just put in front of us and passing me one. Suddenly the music changes to a sexy base beat "Ahh! Drink up we've got to dance now!"

I rise to the challenge and within seconds we are both chugging our drinks as fast as possible, she won but she did technically start first. I slam my glass down on the bar in front of me as Wanda steps back displaying her hand in front of me and bowing slightly "Care for a Dance?"

"How could I decline such an offer?" I say before smacking my hand into hers as she pulls me onto the dance floor.

We get in the middle and she spins on the spot to face me, in one swift move she pulls me in our bodies delicately colliding, her hand resting on my lower back while the other still holds on to mine.

Have her eyes always been this blue? I wonder before she starts swaying making my body follow, she gracefully spins me round I start grinding on her to the music, our hands entwined raised in the air as her other hands guide my hips pulling them closer to her.

A turn of events - (Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now